
tech2024-04-22  167


Though this has been brewing and in the light for some time, a solid base of source code and the first release of the now free operating system from Sun opened its doors today.

尽管这已经酝酿了一段时间了,但是源代码的坚实基础以及Sun 现已免费提供的操作系统的第一个发行今天已经敞开了大门。

The company has been stating this is part of its strategy to build its business hoping to see an increase in sales of hardware and services (translated – IBM Business Model – not an unsuccessful one at that). What is perhaps more unspoken is its hope to compete with already established Linux distributors like RedHat.

该公司一直在说,这是其建立业务战略的一部分,希望看到硬件和服务的销售有所增长(翻译为– IBM商业模型–并不成功)。 也许更隐蔽的是它希望与RedHat等已经建立的Linux发行商竞争。

Sun has chosen a fairly open method by starting with a group of independent developers from around the world who have worked quietly with Sun for much of the past year leading up to this release. The company hopes open source developers and Solaris aficionados will immediately begin contributing through testing, bug reporting and other quality assurance contributions. A majority of the board overseeing OpenSolaris is also non-Sun, including an original Apache author (Roy Fielding).

Sun选择了一种相当开放的方法,首先从一群来自世界各地的独立开发人员开始,他们在过去一年的大部分时间里一直与Sun安静地合作,直到发行此版本为止。 该公司希望开源开发人员和Solaris爱好者可以立即开始通过测试,错误报告和其他质量保证贡献力量。 负责监督OpenSolaris的董事会多数也不是Sun公司,包括原始的Apache作者(Roy Fielding)。

I have seen Solaris in action within the financial services sector and many know it has a robust and authoritative reputation. I am planning to build the new OS and start exploring how it will match up to the Linux distros I currently utilize. Not too mention I need to clear out some Solaris cobwebs and get back up to speed on some of the subtle differences so easily forgotten (anyone had to ‘plumb’ an IP address?)

我已经看到Solaris在金融服务行业中发挥作用,并且许多人都知道Solaris具有强大而权威的声誉。 我计划构建新的操作系统,并开始探索如何将其与我目前使用的Linux发行版匹配。 不必多说,我需要清理一些Solaris蜘蛛网并重新了解一些如此容易忘记的细微差别(有人必须“插入” IP地址吗?)

For the uninitiated, of course all of the web professional’s favorite tools run on Solaris – Apache, Tomcat, MySQL, Perl, so on and so forth ad infinitum.



