
tech2024-04-22  357


Thanks to Rui at the Tao of Mac – I was turned on to Unison to replace the volumes of rsync functions I use on various servers.

多亏了Mac Tao的Rui的帮助 -我才得以选择Unison来替换我在各种服务器上使用的大量rsync功能。

Unison synchronizes rather than mirroring as rsync does – making it valuable for workstations as well as development and production servers. To boot – it works on OS X!

Unison像rsync一样进行同步而不是镜像-使它对于工作站以及开发和生产服务器很有价值。 要启动–它可以在OS X上运行!

The app, found here, can track two directories on two separate systems, or on two hard drives on the same system. It processes updates to both replicas in a bi-directional fashion rather than simply backing up or copying data from one side to the other. It can additionally work across platforms – so Windows can be synched with Unix and so on. Very nice.

在此找到的应用程序可以跟踪两个单独系统上的两个目录,或同一系统上两个硬盘上的目录。 它以双向方式处理两个副本的更新,而不是简单地将数据从一侧备份或复制到另一侧。 它还可以跨平台工作-因此Windows可以与Unix等同步。 非常好。

It has config options for working with Subversion among others – which I finally have switched to from the crusty old CVS (I may have been one of the last according to some folks I have spoken with!). I also found its claim of carefully handling conflicts accurate. Like rsync – it of course can work over enrypted connections using ssh.

它具有用于Subversion的配置选项-我终于从旧的CVS切换到了其中(根据与我交谈过的一些人,我可能是最后一个!)。 我还发现其谨慎处理冲突的主张是正确的。 像rsync一样,它当然可以使用ssh在加密连接上工作。


