
tech2024-04-22  141

There are some days when an interesting technology just makes you sit up and think ‘Thats a really good idea!’, and today is one of those days.


Working with TelSim Software, to test their new ‘Noah’ technology which is essentially a web site enhancement device driven in Flash, I was astounded at how easy it is to create a more usable and emphasized experience of a series of pages within a site.

与TelSim Software合作,测试他们的新“ Noah”技术,该技术本质上是Flash驱动的网站增强设备,令我惊讶的是,在网站中创建一系列页面时,使用起来更容易使用且更加受重视。

Take for example, the phireworx.com home page, there are many links and options, and after you’ve been there a few times, it’s easy to navigate around, but for the first time visitors who may not know what they are looking for, then why not have a friendly avatar that directs you around the screen pointing out the major sections / offers that you may have on.

例如, 在phireworx.com主页上 ,有许多链接和选项,并且您访问过几次之后,很容易浏览,但是第一次访问者可能不知道他们在寻找什么。 ,那么为什么不拥有一个友好的头像来引导您在屏幕上显示可能要使用的主要部分/要约。

I’ve noticed since the phireworx avatar has been present on the front page of the site for the past couple of days, that the amount of users who visit the home page of the site and click through from the links rather than clicking off to another site increased by 37%, no mean feat!


It certainly grabs your attention, and TelSim are looking for shopping cart sites to test the before and after results with whom they will work a discount!

它肯定会引起您的注意, TelSim正在寻找购物车网站以测试其折扣前后的结果!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/add-some-emphasis-to-your-site/
