
tech2024-05-05  112

A recently released study by Forrester Research, Linux Crosses Into Mission-Critical Apps, shows Linux is now widely considered mainstream at some of the largest companies in North America.

Forrester Research最近发布的一项研究《 Linux跨入关键任务应用程序》表明,Linux在北美一些最大的公司中已被广泛认为是主流。

For years, Linux was introduced at many companies in the skunkworks of an IT department. These tended to be unsponsored projects or prototypes to encourage consideration of the platform. Now that all levels of business have seen the reliability and scalability of Linux and applications such as Apache, MySQL and others, Linux does not necessarily have to be deployed in the shadows.

多年来,Linux在IT部门的臭鼬工厂中被许多公司采用。 这些往往是非赞助项目或原型,以鼓励人们考虑使用该平台。 现在,所有业务层次都已经看到了Linux和Apache和MySQL等应用程序的可靠性和可伸缩性,并不一定必须将Linux部署在阴影中。

In that survey, Forrester Analysts Brad Day and Laura Koetzle interviewed more than 100 companies, half of whom report more than $1 billion US in revenues and account for more than 5000 employees each. The survey also found more than half had Linux deployed in production, running servers for web hosting, mail as well as critical back office functions such as crm and data management.

在该调查中,Forrester分析师Brad Day和Laura Koetzle采访了100多家公司,其中一半报告收入超过10亿美元,每个公司拥有5000多名员工。 调查还发现,超过一半的企业已在生产环境中部署Linux,运行用于Web托管,邮件的服务器以及关键的后台办公功能(例如crm和数据管理)。

As with many technology trends, widespread adoption begins only after billions have been spent by the world’s larger companies in research, development and deployment. IBM’s massive investments in Linux and open source is often credited for pushing corporate IT into serious evaluations of Linux.

与许多技术趋势一样,全球大型公司在研发,部署上花费了数十亿美元之后才开始广泛采用。 IBM在Linux和开放源代码上的大量投资通常被认为是推动公司IT部门对Linux进行认真评估的结果。

The study revealed that more than a third of the respondents are choosing new solutions that require Linux, rather than the conventional thinking that large companies use Linux to port old legacy applications to new technology platforms.


This is insightful for web developers of all stripes. As “buy-in” is found at the highest levels, this adds additional credibility to Linux solutions for web-based application solutions at small and medium business levels. Those who may be hesitant to take a gamble with Linux and/or open source solutions may turn more receptive to the idea as they see public statistics showing wider adoption for critical applications.

这对各种类型的Web开发人员都是很有见地的。 由于“买入”的级别最高,这为中小型企业级别的基于Web的应用程序解决方案的Linux解决方案增加了更多的可信度。 那些可能不愿使用Linux和/或开源解决方案进行赌博的人可能会更愿意接受这个想法,因为他们看到公共统计数据显示关键应用程序已被广泛采用。

