
tech2024-05-06  117

A series of new RSS feeds are available from the Macromedia site for updating you on product updates, TechNotes and security bulletins. The list encompasses the majority of the MM product range, apart from HomeSite (which I assume active development has ceased on), and is a long overdue and much welcome addition to MM’s RSS feeds.

Macromedia网站上提供了一系列新的RSS源,可用于更新产品更新,技术说明和安全公告。 除了HomeSite(我认为它已经停止了积极的开发),该列表涵盖了MM产品的大部分范围,并且是MM的RSS提要中早就应该提出的,并且很受欢迎。

Feed List and Information can be found here


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/quickienew-macromedia-product-rss-feeds-available/
