
tech2024-05-06  119


For those familiar with Webmin – they understands it administrative value on Unix workstations and servers (including Mac OS X). Especially if you need to administer multiple systems.

对于熟悉Webmin的人来说 ,他们了解它在Unix工作站和服务器(包括Mac OS X)上的管理价值。 特别是如果您需要管理多个系统。

For the unitiated – I wrote on Webmin a while back and explored its capabilities as a powerful root-enabled sys admin tool.

对于团结的人,我曾在Webmin上写过文章,并探讨了它作为功能强大的启用了root的sys admin工具的功能。

The new updates hit on all cylinders for me as I deal with several servers at once in my own webmin usage – including with LDAP.


Highlights of updates include:


Improved Postfix mail queue management

改进的Postfix邮件队列管理 Ability to edit and/or drop multiple tables (and databases) at once in MySQL and PostgreSQL

能够在MySQL和PostgreSQL中一次编辑和/或删除多个表(和数据库) Clustering tools including deploying printers to multiple servers at once (good for servers that produce print reports along with electronic distributions – important in some regulatory environments)

群集工具,包括一次将打印机部署到多台服务器(适用于生成打印报告以及电子分发的服务器-在某些法规环境中很重要) Handy LDAP enhancements such as multiple user and group deletions and multiple user and group unlocks

方便的LDAP增强功能,例如多个用户和组的删除以及多个用户和组的解锁 Read-only access option for allowing in users who may need to review webmin configurations but do not need editing rights

只读访问选项,用于允许可能需要查看Webmin配置但不需要编辑权限的用户 Sped up the performance of searching and reviewing system logs – nice when dealing with very busy servers.


If you have intensive sys admin needs or want to explore more powerful options than the traditional Unix control panel solutions – Webmin is worth a test run. Best yet – as open source – it is sans licensing fees.

如果您对系统管理员有很强的需求,或者想探索比传统的Unix控制面板解决方案更强大的选择,那么Webmin值得一试。 最好的-作为开源-这是无许可证费用。

As always – consider ways you can help the project if you benefit – whether that be through code, documentation, testing, promotions or good old fashioned cash donations.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/new-webmin-release-worth-a-look/

