
tech2024-05-06  104

Photoshop Help is actually helpful this time for Darken mode:

Photoshop帮助这次实际上对“ 变暗”模式很有帮助:

Looks at the color information in each channel and selects the base or blend color–whichever is darker–as the result color. Pixels lighter than the blend color are replaced, and pixels darker than the blend color do not change.

查看每个通道中的颜色信息,然后选择基色或混合色(以较暗的为准)作为结果颜色。 比混合颜色浅的像素将被替换,并且比混合颜色深的像素不会改变。

And here are two examples to help illustrate this:


Here are two images that I’m going to blend together. I purposefully made them two different colors, and also made sure that the light/dark values were different as well:

这是我要融合在一起的两个图像。 我故意将它们设置为两种不同的颜色,并确保明暗值也不同:

When I layer the two images on top of each other and set the top layer to the Darken mode, you’ll notice that the “darker” values show from each layer.


But the effect is even cooler when you start creating a montage with different photos or illustrations that have a lot of colors. Let’s take these two flower photos:

但是,当您开始使用具有多种颜色的不同照片或插图制作蒙太奇时,效果甚至更酷。 让我们为这两张花拍照:

Once again, layering the images and setting the top layer to the Darken mode creates an interesting effect:


Because the cherry blossom picture has an area that is very light (the blossom), surrounded by a fairly dark background (the tree trunk), the yellow rose part shows through in a pretty defined area. I like it!

由于樱花图片的区域非常明亮(开花),周围是相当暗的背景(树干),因此黄色玫瑰部分显示在非常清晰的区域。 我喜欢!

Just to demonstrate that Photoshop is really taking the darker value for each pixel, I’ll switch up the layers so that the rose layer is on top, set to Darken Mode. The end result looks exactly the same!

只是为了证明Photoshop确实为每个像素采用了较暗的值,我将切换图层,使玫瑰图层​​位于顶部,设置为“变暗模式”。 最终结果看起来完全一样!

(download .psd for both examples)

( 下载两个示例的.psd )

Now for the deeper practical application, which I originally learned at…


Because Darken Mode takes the darker value of two layers, it is ideal for retouching scanned photos that have light specks (old photos tend to get dust embedded into them, which then get scanned in with the rest of the photo). How? Keep reading!

因为“变暗模式”采用两层的较暗值,所以它是修饰有亮点的已扫描照片的理想选择(旧照片倾向于将灰尘嵌入其中,然后再与其余照片一起进行扫描)。 怎么样? 继续阅读!

1. Let’s take an older photo of yours truly, taken when I was almost one year old. Looking closely (which I’ve conveniently provided in a close-up cutout), you can see that the scan of the photo has light-colored speckles:

1.让我们真正地为您拍摄一张旧照片,那是我快一岁时拍摄的。 仔细观察(我已在特写镜头中方便地提供了它),您可以看到照片扫描的斑点为浅色斑点:

2. The first step to a quick fix is to duplicate the layer. Then, I’ll add a layer mask to preserve the finer details of the image — i.e, the facial features and the lighter parts of the images that don’t need retouching.

2.快速修复的第一步是复制图层。 然后,我将添加一个图层蒙版,以保留图像的精细细节,即不需要修饰的脸部特征和较亮的部分。

3. Then, set the mode to Darken. No change yet — that’s fine.

3.然后,将模式设置为“变暗”。 尚无更改-很好。

4. The second crucial step is to select the move tool, then use the arrow keys to gently move the “Darkened” layer down 2-3 pixels. This offsets the layers enough so that those darker pixels are selected over the lighter dust-speckled pixels, as you can see in the “Before” and “After” cutouts.

4.第二个关键步骤是选择移动工具,然后使用箭头键将“深色”层向下移动2-3个像素。 这样可以充分偏移图层,以便在较浅的灰尘斑点像素上选择较暗的像素,如“之前”和“之后”切口所示。

Cool, eh? Obviously there are still some other problems with the photo that would need to be retouched, but really — with a super-fast four-step process, that’s not too shabby.

酷吧? 显然,照片还存在其他一些问题需要修正,但实际上-通过超快速的四步过程,这并不太简陋。

(download the example file)

( 下载示例文件 )

Lighten Mode works much as you would expect after being exposed to Darken Mode: Lighten Mode picks out the lighter pixels. So, the same type of application works; if you have photos that have dark-colored specks, then do the same tiny shift in pixels and use Lighten Mode to hide the specks.

变亮模式在暴露于变暗模式后的工作原理与您期望的一样:变亮模式拾取较亮的像素。 因此,相同类型的应用程序可以工作; 如果您的照片上有深色斑点,请以同样的微小像素偏移并使用“减亮模式”隐藏斑点。

Any other great ideas or examples of using Lighten or Darken modes?


