mtk 多国语言翻译工具

tech2024-05-06  87

mtk 多国语言翻译工具

With the excellent article by David Hecker on documentation running on SitePoint, it seemed timely to introduce an interesting open source documentation tool that bridges across fourteen programming languages.

David Hecker 撰写的出色文章是关于在SitePoint上运行的文档的,这似乎是时候引入一个有趣的开放源代码文档工具,该工具可以跨14种编程语言进行桥接。

Natural Docs, found at Sourceforge, includes support for C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, PL/SQL, Visual Basic, Pascal, Tcl, Ada, Ruby, and Assembly.

在Sourceforge上找到的Natural Docs包括对C ++,C#,Java,JavaScript,Perl,PHP,Python,PL / SQL,Visual Basic,Pascal,Tcl,Ada,Ruby和Assembly的支持。

The goal with this project is to introduce automation tools which enable easy generation of HTML documentation and a resulting easy to read starting point for putting the finishing touch on an overall project’s documentation package.


The roadmap for this project is robust, including enhanced support for the languages noted, the ability to migrate from other documentation platforms (i.e. like JavaDoc), the ability to output into PDF as well as HTML, and finally, to allow users to create custom settings files to control the output of Natural Docs.


The interesting twist on Natural Docs is that it can enable development folk who might be working with Java on Unix (using JavaDoc) and working with Visual Basic or C# on Windows (using a proprietary or other documentaion tool) to standardize on one documentation platform.

Natural Docs的有趣之处在于,它可以使可能在Unix上使用Java(使用JavaDoc)并在Windows上使用Visual Basic或C#(使用专有或其他文档工具)的开发人员在一个文档平台上实现标准化。

I would be interested in hearing what documentation tools SitePoint readers are using.



mtk 多国语言翻译工具
