安装新MySQL Admin

tech2024-05-07  117

The new [URL=https://www.sitepoint.com/blog-post-view.php?id=151673]MySQL Administrator[/URL] is looking to be more robust and very enterprise friendly with its tools for managing multiple database servers, replication and disaster recovery tools. Getting this installed is pretty straightforward, however, remember, as MySQL is reminding everyone, that this is an alpha release and hence not intended for production environments. Please backup your data prior to installing on your machine.

新的[URL = https://www.sitepoint.com/blog-post-view.php?id = 151673] MySQL管理员[/ URL]希望通过其用于管理多个数据库的工具变得更强大,更企业友好服务器,复制和灾难恢复工具。 但是,请记住,安装此程序非常简单,因为MySQL提醒每个人,这是Alpha版本,因此不适合生产环境。 在安装到计算机上之前,请备份您的数据。

Getting the binary download installed for Linux is very simple. Get the file from MySQL at this url –> http://www.mysql.com/downloads/administrator.html and issue the following commands (recommendations from MySQL):

为Linux安装二进制下载非常简单。 通过以下URL从MySQL获取文件–> http://www.mysql.com/downloads/administrator.html并发出以下命令(来自MySQL的建议):

gzip -dc mysql-administrator-1.0.1a-alpha-linux.tar.gz | tar xv -C /opt

gzip -dc mysql-administrator-1.0.1a-alpha-linux.tar.gz | tar xv -C / opt

MySQL Administrator’s binary will be installed in /opt/mysql-administrator/bin, from where you can execute ‘mysql-administrator’ to start the application.

MySQL Administrator的二进制文件将安装在/ opt / mysql-administrator / bin中,您可以在其中执行“ mysql-administrator”来启动应用程序。

The GUI is also available for Windows if you are administering your MySQL database servers from the Microsoft platform, and can be found on the same link above.


Finally, to build from source please follow these instructions from the MySQL FAQ included with the MySQL Administrator.

最后,要从源代码进行构建,请遵循MySQL Administrator随附MySQL FAQ中的以下说明。

============================ From MySQL Administrator FAQ.txt ============================

==============================来自MySQL管理员FAQ.txt ================ ============

Q: Which versions of Linux are supported by MySQL Administrator?

问:MySQL Administrator支持哪些版本的Linux?

A: MySQL Administrator has been tested on: – Debian unstable – Fedora core 1 – SuSE 9

答:MySQL管理员已经过以下测试:– Debian不稳定– Fedora核心1 – SuSE 9

Most libraries, including Gtk+ are statically linked, except for the following standard libraries: glibc 2.3.2 libX11 6.2 libstdc++ 5.0.5

除以下标准库外,包括Gtk +在内的大多数库都是静态链接的:glibc 2.3.2 libX11 6.2 libstdc ++ 5.0.5


Q: What do I need to build MySQL Administrator?

问:我需要什么来构建MySQL Administrator?

A: Apart from the g++ development suite, you will need the following libraries and corresponding development packages:

答:除了g ++开发套件,您还需要以下库和相应的开发包:

– gtk-2.x – gtkmm-2.x – libglade-2.x

– gtk-2.x – gtkmm-2.x – libglade-2.x


Q: How can I build MySQL Administrator myself?

问:如何自己构建MySQL Administrator?

A: The following BitKeeper modules can be downloaded from http://mysql.bkbits.net, using the BitKeeper version management system:


– mysqlxlibrary – mysqladministratorlibrary – mysqlcommonguiparts – mysqladministrator

– mysqlxlibrary – mysqladministratorlibrary – mysqlcommonguiparts – mysqladministrator

For each directory, execute the following commands:


sh autogen.sh ./configure make make install

sh autogen.sh ./configure进行安装

If everything went well, you should have the mysql-administrator binary built and installed in /usr/local/bin.

如果一切顺利,则应该在/ usr / local / bin中构建并安装mysql-administrator二进制文件。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/installing-new-mysql-admin/
