
tech2024-05-07  106


eWeek is reporting that use of Sun’s Cobalt OS, released as open source as the hardware line was retired this year, is experiencing an upswing.

eWeek报道说,随着硬件产品线的退役,Sun公司的Cobalt OS开源了。

The article details NetCraft results showing more than 900,000 sites using the Cobalt OS, up 47,000 since last year.

这篇文章详细介绍了NetCraft的结果,显示使用Cobalt OS的网站超过900,000个,比去年增加了47,000个。

I used Cobalt servers between 1999 and 2002, and while I had some grievances with the platform, I must admit it was very convenient for mass deployment of web sites and ran reliably.


pkgmaster.com (www.pkgmaster.com), an important site for Cobalt users, provides the latest patches and appears to be staying alive post-Sun Cobalt. There is a link on the main page now which hints of a new enhanced Raq 550 interface system being built, obviously by someone other than Sun.

pkgmaster.com( www.pkgmaster.com )是Cobalt用户的重要站点,它提供了最新的修补程序,并且在Sun Cobalt之后仍然有效。 现在,主页上有一个链接,暗示着正在构建新的增强型Raq 550接口系统,显然是由Sun以外的人构建的。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/cobalt-not-dead-yet/

