
tech2024-05-07  112


Flash smartypants Paul Neave has taken the public APIs of Google Maps and Microsoft Virtual Earth and built his own Flash interface to browse the satellite imagery offered by both of these services. And, may the JavaScript gods forgive me, it’s far smoother and more pleasant to use than either of the services’ respective Web interfaces.

Flash聪明人Paul Neave使用了Google Maps和Microsoft Virtual Earth的公共API,并构建了自己的Flash接口来浏览这两种服务提供的卫星图像。 而且,愿JavaScript的上帝原谅我,它比服务各自的Web界面中的任何一个都更加顺畅和令人愉快。

For now, it lacks the flat maps, local search features, and other useful bells and whistles of the Google and Microsoft originals, but as a demonstration of what is possible with Flash as a frontend technology, it’s very effective. In particular, the ability to rotate the view is something that is a long way off in pure DHTML interfaces.

目前,它缺少平面图,本地搜索功能以及Google和Microsoft原始版本的其他有用功能,但是作为Flash作为一种前端技术的可能展示,它非常有效。 特别是,在纯DHTML界面中,旋转视图的功能还有很长的路要走。

I wonder how long it will be before some enterprising folks attempt to produce a 2D clone of Google Earth in Flash. I’d be surprised if Google didn’t buy out such a project, were it to come to fruition.

我想知道,有进取心的人们尝试用Flash生成Google Earth的2D克隆要花多长时间。 如果谷歌不付钱买一个这样的项目,我会感到惊讶。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/online-maps-get-flashy/

