
tech2024-05-08  105


Perhaps it is time for a second look at Firebird, an open source relational database based on the Interbase source code.

也许是时候再看看Firebird了 ,它是一个基于Interbase源代码的开源关系数据库。

Firebird was born when the Interbase source code was released in July 2000 by then Inprise Corp. (Borland Software). There is a whole second story on Inprise/Borland and what transpired during those years – too much to be told here. However, some interesting history can be found on the Firebird site.

Firebird诞生于2000年7月,当时Inprise Corp.(Borland Software)发布了Interbase源代码。 关于Inprise / Borland还有完整的第二个故事,以及那些年发生的事情–太多了,在这里不能说出来。 但是,可以在Firebird网站上找到一些有趣的历史。

Many who have had past experience with Interbase may have had some sour grapes over the db platform (myself included with a past client and a Cobalt RAQ server – ugh). However, the latest build from Firebird, version 1.5, is a culmination of a port from the original C to C++. The system includes solid support for stored procedures and triggers, which is forthcoming soon in other open source databases. Firebird’s advantage is support for these key features dates back many years under the Inprise name (Interbase).

许多以前使用过Interbase的经验的人可能在db平台上遇到了麻烦(我自己包括在以前的客户端和Cobalt RAQ服务器中– ugh)。 但是,Firebird 1.5版的最新版本是从原始C到C ++的移植的顶峰。 该系统包括对存储过程和触发器的可靠支持,其他开放源数据库也即将推出。 Firebird的优势在于对这些关键功能的支持可以追溯到Inprise名称(Interbase)很多年前。

Their latest fact sheet is what caught my eye as well as the ability to load it on OS X as well as Windows, Linux and numerous Unix flavors. You can review the fact sheet at the Firebird SQL site.

他们最新的情况介绍吸引了我的眼球,并且能够将其加载到OS X以及Windows,Linux和许多Unix版本中。 您可以在Firebird SQL网站上查看情况说明书。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/investigating-firebird/

