
tech2024-05-08  111


Sometimes all it takes is a step back from a technology sector to have a fresh (or refreshed) perspective.


I have spent the last several weeks immersed in a substantial enterprise project that is one hundred percent not open source. It is the exact opposite – built on a comprehensively proprietary platform from top to bottom. I am pleased to disclose it will do just fine (of course – I was working on it – right!?). However – it also gave me a clearer view of where open source can and will succeed in the enterprise – and the obstacles it faces.

在过去的几周中,我沉浸在一个大型企业项目中,该项目是100%非开源的。 相反,它是基于自上而下的全面专有平台构建的。 我很高兴地透露它会很好(当然–我正在研究它–对!?)。 但是,这也使我对开放源代码可以在企业中取得成功的地方以及面临的障碍有了更清晰的认识。

Note: I have been working with open source since 1998 – however – with proprietary platforms since 1992 – and quite honestly both pay the bills. ;>)

注意:自1998年以来,我就一直在使用开放源代码;但是,自1992年以来,我一直在使用专有平台。 ;>)

Now – being under an NDA (a fancy acronym for ‘keep thine mouth shut about the details’) I will not reveal too much. However, it is a fine project that consolidates numerous data sources across the US into one data mart and will ultimately offer a very nice consolidated web application for reporting and other interesting activities. To boot, the company looks to save several million dollars annually in costs associated with formerly managing these disparate data sources.

现在-在NDA(花哨的缩写,“对细节保持警惕”的幻想)之下,我不会透露太多。 但是,这是一个很好的项目,它将整个美国的众多数据源整合到一个数据集市中,并将最终为报告和其他有趣的活动提供一个非常出色的整合Web应用程序。 为了启动,该公司希望每年节省与以前管理这些不同数据源相关的成本。

That said – the costs of sourcing, specifications, prototypes and development could be shaved substantially by way of open source technology. For starters – the platform being used does not have the maturity of some open source options (I am sure you guessed it now), and nowhere near the community documentation and knowledge. Choosing the open source option would shave the time to reach prototype stage and start fine tuning usability, functional specifications and use cases.

话虽如此–采购,规格,原型和开发的成本可以通过开源技术大幅削减。 对于初学者来说,所使用的平台尚不具备某些开放源代码选项的成熟度(我相信您现在已经猜对了),而且社区文档和知识也不远。 选择开放源代码选项将节省到达原型阶段的时间,并开始微调可用性,功能规范和用例。

Secondly, the group has had to dream up an endless stream of workarounds in interfacing with some vendors being integrated into this complex web solution due to limited **proven** methods with the currently selected platform.


Now before we start arguing make the switch – I was brought in months after the platform was set, initial requirements written and programmers were hired. The project has lurched toward trouble and I am working toward re-steering back on course. So it is not necessarily “switchable” at this point based on commitments, investments and deadlines. However, an iterim post-mortem was held at my request as a sidebar to explore all possible options.

现在,在我们开始争论进行转换之前–在平台设定好几个月后,我被带进来,编写了最初的要求,并雇用了程序员。 该项目陷入麻烦之中,我正在努力重新进行。 因此,根据承诺,投资和期限,此时不一定“可切换”。 但是,应我的要求举行了一次即时验尸,作为补充工具栏,以探讨所有可能的选择。

While there was some amazement at the options in using open source, it was considered child’s play and not feasible for this “scale” of project. I found that a little bewildering considering organizations like NASA, the National Security Agency and plenty of enterprises deploying open source in hardcore production environments. That aside, I walked through the arguments for and against. I have found that the problem is clearly one of semantics – cutting through hype and preconceived notions about Linux and open source and understanding its functional capability.

尽管使用开放源代码的选择令人惊讶,但它被认为是孩子们的游戏,对于这种“规模”的项目并不可行。 我发现考虑诸如NASA,国家安全局之类的组织以及在硬核生产环境中部署开源的众多企业时,有些困惑。 除此之外,我还讨论了赞成和反对的论点。 我发现问题显然是语义之一–突破了有关Linux和开放源代码的炒作和先入为主的概念,并了解了其功能。

It is a little hard to grasp that a large universe of very capable technical and business folk do not have a firm understanding of open source – but it is quite true. And these are extremely bright and able people who have accomplished plenty without leveraging Linux and open source tools.

难以理解的是,一大批非常有才能的技术和商业人士对开放源代码缺乏深刻的了解,但这确实是事实。 这些都是非常聪明而有能力的人,他们在不利用Linux和开源工具的情况下就取得了丰硕的成果。

So, to return to the beginning (coda for the musicians in th readership), there is a benefit in stepping back once in a while and realizing that the world continues spinning, commerce executes and the sun rises and sets without a glimpse of open source. This should encourage us not only to continue improving the open source tools we use but to invest some energy in explaining our universe more clearly, calmly and continuously to a widening audience.

因此,回到开始(读者的音乐家的尾声),不时地退一步,并意识到世界在继续旋转,商业执行,太阳升起,落山而无一瞥开源是有益的。 这不仅应该鼓励我们继续改善我们使用的开放源代码工具,而且还应该投入一些精力,以更清晰,从容和持续地向越来越多的读者解释我们的宇宙。

As a side note, the organization I am working with is now exploring how they could begin a test bed to vet open source possibilities. And it had little to do with dollars even though that stood out to me. It has more to do with flexibility, community resources and time to market. Things to think about.

附带说明,我正在与之合作的组织正在探索如何开始测试平台以审查开源的可能性。 即使我觉得这与美元无关,也与美元无关。 它与灵活性,社区资源和上市时间有关。 要考虑的事情。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/a-fresh-look-at-open-source/

