ssh 书店

tech2024-05-09  123

ssh 书店

. . . I just went to two MAJOR bookstores here in the Atlanta Suburb areas. Both of them had ColdFusion books, and both of them had them files under Internet Servers.

。 。 。 我刚去亚特兰大郊区的两个主要书店。 他们俩都有ColdFusion书籍,并且他们都有Internet Server下的文件。

Yes I understand that ColdFusion is a Server & a programming language but they are grouping it with things like Apache, Dreamweaver, IIS etc. Not only that but the choices for CF books is slim to none right now and why is it that it always takes CF writers longer to publish a book when there are upgrades etc to frameworks, software etc.


We are into Fusebox 4 now and I can only find one book out there on the subject. Forget finding any books on Internet frameworks in general, they don’t exists.

现在我们进入Fusebox 4,在那儿我只能找到一本书。 通常,不要再找任何有关Internet框架的书籍,因为它们不存在。

It seems like to me that CF programmers are inundated with school, lectures and classes, while ASP / PHP etc developers get books galore to become self taught on subjects etc.

在我看来,CF程序员被学校,讲座和课程所淹没,而ASP / PHP等开发人员则大量阅读书籍,以自学成才等。

Am i the only one who realizes this? Am i missing something?

我是唯一意识到这一点的人吗? 我想念什么吗?

I guess it’s off to the major online retailers to satisfy my learning needs.



ssh 书店
