
tech2024-05-09  100

The introduction of Tiger by Apple at its Worldwide Developer Conference in San Francisco this past week offers some telling facts that the open source community is making an impact commercially.


I was briefed by Apple on the client and server versions of the new release of OS X, slated for early 2005, and several features have been driven largely by their open source participation. As most know, the entire Apple kernel for OS X is available via open source as Darwin, and even has an Intel PC port.

苹果公司向我简要介绍了计划于2005年初发布的新版OS X的客户端和服务器版本,其中一些功能很大程度上是由其开放源代码驱动的。 众所周知,OS X的整个Apple内核都可以通过开放源代码(如Darwin)获得,甚至具有Intel PC端口。

Most significant may be the release of Rendezvous for Java, Linux/Unix and Windows. This is a zero-configuration tool for networking that includes network protocols, identification and configuration of devices and services such as printers and local/remote servers, and was based off of open source technology.

最重要的可能是针对Java,Linux / Unix和Windows的Rendezvous的发布。 这是一种用于网络的零配置工具,该工具基于开放源代码技术,包括网络协议,设备和服务(例如打印机和本地/远程服务器)的标识和配置。

Those running mixed environments and programmers using Java will be able to build this same feature set into their tools. As web applications grow more compex and integrated into customer’s local as well as Internet and extranet networks, Rendezvous may be a powerful feature where multiple server discovery or workstation configuration is part of the web apps setup and use.

那些在混合环境中运行并且使用Java的程序员将能够在他们的工具中构建相同的功能集。 随着Web应用程序越来越复杂,并集成到客户的本地以及Internet和Extranet网络中,Rendezvous可能是一项强大的功能,其中多服务器发现或工作站配置是Web应用程序设置和使用的一部分。

Tiger also includes improved releases of Apple’s directory services (LDAP), secure authentication (Kerberos), mail server (Postfix), web server (Apache) and many more features, nearly all based on existing open source software.


However, on a separate but related note, something struck me even more when I spoke with Michael Chute, lab manager with the Naval Medical Research Center. Mr. Chute is leading a team that is responsible for developing agents capable of identifying bio weapons in the environment, and additionally cultivating vaccines.

但是,在一个单独但相关的注解中,当我与海军医学研究中心的实验室经理Michael Chute交谈时,令我印象更深的是。 Chute先生领导着一个团队,该团队负责开发能够识别环境中生物武器的试剂,并另外培育疫苗。

He commented to me that in a review of Linux and Apple cluster solutions for their research (partially web-based), they chose Apple only because of the ease of use and ability to manage in a limited IT environment.


This is often the challenge faced by web designers. We are users who often need powerful hardware and software combinations, again as the web applications we build grow more sophisticated, while not always having advanced system administration capabilities.

这通常是网页设计师面临的挑战。 我们经常需要强大的硬件和软件组合的用户,而随着我们构建的Web应用程序变得越来越复杂,而又并不总是具有高级系统管理功能。

Here Linux vendors could take a page from Apple in interface design, especially since Apple’s engineers did build on a Unix kernel.


What is important here is Chute and his team 1) looked exclusively at Apple and Linux, both important players in open source, and 2) completely ignored Microsoft in the equation (not a shock in the scientific sector due to licensing issues) and 3) did not find any flaw in Linux itself, just that the interface for management was not quite there.


This to me is a second ringing endorsement for open source and shows that the largest obstacle will be simpifying the client and server interface to the powerful underlying Linux engine.


