
tech2024-05-09  101


I recently received an email recommending I take a look at JEdit based on my coverage and recent commentary on open source at SitePoint. What a great tip that was!

我最近收到一封电子邮件,建议我看看JEDIT根据我的报道和在SitePoint开源最近的评论。 那真是个很棒的提示!

I downloaded JEdit for my production machine (OS X notebook) and was pleasantly suprised with several features. I work on projects involving html/xhtml, Java, PHP and XML among others, and the syntax support is excellent (supports 90 file types). I have been hooked on BBEdit for years, however, JEdit may just knock that to the side.

我为我的生产机器(OS X笔记本电脑)下载了JEdit,并惊喜地发现它具有几个功能。 我从事的项目涉及html / xhtml,Java,PHP和XML等,并且语法支持非常出色(支持90种文件类型)。 我已经迷上BBEdit多年了,但是,JEdit可能只是把它抛在一边。

Some features that jumped right out at me:


*Support for executing JavaDoc while in the JEdit interface and continuing to work on source code *Ability to create Jar files within JEdit and also compile source files and packages *XML plug-ins for validating xml against DTD’s and transforming xml files via XSLT *Ability to connect and query SQL servers within the JEdit interface *The ability to browse and edit files via FTP on a remote server

*支持在JEdit界面中执行JavaDoc并继续处理源代码*具有在JEdit中创建Jar文件以及编译源文件和软件包的能力* XML插件可根据DTD验证xml并通过XSLT转换xml文件*能力在JEdit界面中连接和查询SQL服务器*能够通过远程服务器上的FTP浏览和编辑文件

Built on Java 2, the editor works on Linux and variants, OS X and Windows. It utilizes the Java 1.4 platform and for those daredevils already running the Java 1.5 beta, it supports you too!

该编辑器基于Java 2,可在Linux及其变体,OS X和Windows上运行。 它利用Java 1.4平台,对于已经运行Java 1.5 beta的敢于冒险的人,它也支持您!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/open-source-programmers-editor/

