
tech2024-05-09  111


Inspired in part by the work of the Free Software Foundation, Lawrence Lessig co-founded Creative Commons and has delivered a whole new world of legal content distribution and sharing like none other before it.

劳伦斯·莱西格 ( Lawrence Lessig)受到自由软件基金会(Free Software Foundation)的部分启发,与他人共同创立了Creative Commons,并创造了一个全新的法律内容分发和共享世界。

The instant appeal is to artists of all stripes (musicians, photographers, writers, et al) to provide a method of distributing their works internationally while still maintaining some sense of control over use.


Many Creative Commons (CC) fans discovered the licensing tools via use of blog software like Movable Type, which includes the CC framework within their blog configuration tools.

许多知识共享(CC)爱好者通过使用博客软件(例如Movable Type)发现了许可工具,该软件在其博客配置工具中包括CC框架。

The licensing process is flexible and covers a broad spectrum of use to work for a larger audience. The licenses are explained on the CC site.

许可过程是灵活的,涵盖了广泛的使用范围,可为更多的受众服务。 许可证在CC网站上说明。

The appeal to web designers and developers is two-fold: 1) A tool to distribute designs/content they seek to leverage the viral nature of the Internet for (perhaps for promotion, or perhaps to draw attention to for commercial licensing or sale of the work), and 2) a content search engine to look for content available for use on web sites under one of the CC licenses.


This last being the most unique and sure to grow as more and more web clients launch blogs as or in addition to a primary web site. This opens a new avenue for designers and developers to find images, music and written content for client solutions.

最后一个是最独特的,并且随着越来越多的Web客户端在主网站上或在主网站之外发布博客,这一点必将增长。 这为设计人员和开发人员提供了一条寻找客户解决方案的图像,音乐和书面内容的新途径。

The CC search engine can be found here. Also be sure to check out the feature article in Business 2.0.

CC搜索引擎可以在这里找到 。 另外,请务必查看Business 2.0中的功能文章 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/creative-commons-and-web-design/

