cfc 教程

tech2024-05-09  111

cfc 教程

…posted by davidjmedlock:

…由 davidjmedlock 发布 :

Well, I’ve returned from my much needed vacation, though I must admit that it’s a little difficult to get motivated again. I suppose it will take me a few days to get back into the groove. Salt Lake City was pretty cool. We went skiiing at Brighton and Park City, stayed at the Grand America (a very cool hotel), and ate at some pretty cool places.

好吧,我已经从急需的假期中回来了,尽管我必须承认,再次激发动力有点困难。 我想可能要花几天时间才能重回凹槽。 盐湖城非常酷。 我们在布莱顿和帕克城滑雪,呆在美国大酒店(一家非常酷的酒店),并在一些很酷的地方吃饭。

Anyway, I was trying to catch up on my surfing since I’ve been ‘Net-less for about 5 days or so and I came across this:


It’s a CFC that makes use of the Google API. It’s definitely something I’ll be playing around with as soon as I get through my pile of backlogged work and as soon as I get this RSS article done. Oh, and Part 2 of my Code Reuse Blog is coming up. I haven’t forgotten. *sigh* Back to work… No rest for the coder.

这是一个使用Google API的CFC。 当我完成一堆积压的工作以及完成本RSS文章后,我肯定会在玩这个游戏。 哦,我的代码重用博客的第2部分即将发布。 我没有忘记。 *叹**重新开始工作……编码人员无需休息。


cfc 教程
