
tech2024-05-09  115


When I first heard about the plans for a redemption period for expired domain names, I thought it was a terrific idea. In the past, too many domains were deleted when, for one reason or another, the owners wanted to continue using them.

当我第一次听说过期域名的赎回计划时,我认为这是一个了不起的主意。 过去,由于所有者出于某种原因继续使用它们时,删除了太多域。

赎回期是多少? (What is the Redemption Period?)

If you haven’t yet heard about the redemption period, it’s a "grace period" of up to 30 days that begins once a domain registrar deletes a domain name. This deletion normally occurs sometime within the first 45 days after a name expires without being renewed.

如果您还没有听说过赎回期,那么这是一个长达30天的“宽限期”,从域名注册商删除域名开始算起。 该删除通常会在名称过期且未更新的前45天内的某个时间发生。

Instead of actually being deleted and re-available for registration within a few days, what happens is the central VeriSign registry holds the name in a new "REDEMPTIONPERIOD" status. The grace period basically gives the original domain owner a chance to renew their domain name.

几天后实际上是在中央VeriSign注册表中以新的“ REDEMPTIONPERIOD”状态保存该名称,而不是实际将其删除并重新用于注册。 宽限期基本上为原始域所有者提供了续订其域名的机会。

This redemption period is of particular importance, not just because it extends the time available to renew expired domains, but because all names that enter the redemption period are removed from the zone files, which list the domains that are currently in the global DNS.


Under the previous system, some registrars removed names from the zone files, while others allowed names to continue working normally right up until the day they were deleted. In this case, the actual deletion came as a real shock to many domain name owners, who, by the time they realized what was happening, found it was too late to do anything about it.

在以前的系统下,一些注册服务商从区域文件中删除了名称,而其他注册服务商则允许名称继续正常工作直到删除它们为止。 在这种情况下,实际的删除给许多域名所有者带来了真正的震惊,当他们意识到正在发生的事情时,他们发现为时已晚。

With the new system, the Website and email services will definitely stop working for at least 30 days before the name is finally deleted. This gives the owner the opportunity to renew, and means they have no excuse now for failing to renew their domain name.

使用新系统,网站和电子邮件服务肯定会在最终删除名称之前至少30天停止工作。 这为所有者提供了续订的机会,这意味着他们现在没有借口未能续订域名。

That’s the theory out of the way — and it sounds like a great way to help clean up the domain name industry. So what’s the problem?

这是理论上的障碍-听起来像是一种清理域名行业的好方法。 所以有什么问题?

为什么是闹剧? (Why is it a Farce?)

Unfortunately when VeriSign and ICANN get together, they have a habit of taking good opportunities to improve the industry, and reducing them to farces. The redemption period fiasco is one of the most extreme examples to date.

不幸的是,当VeriSign和ICANN聚在一起时,他们习惯于抓住良机来改善行业,并减少闹剧。 赎回期的惨败是迄今为止最极端的例子之一。

Domain Redemption in Action: Case #1


Take this recent situation. A domain owner (and customer of registrar Network Solutions), whose name had entered the redemption period, contacted me. The domain name in question was vital to his business. In fact, he believed he would lose his job if he couldn’t get the name back.

看看最近的情况。 已经进入赎回期的域名所有者(和注册商网络解决方案的客户)与我联系。 该域名对他的业务至关重要。 实际上,他相信,如果他不找回名字,他会失业。

So it should have been a straightforward matter to pay the renewal fee and recover the name, right? That is the whole point of the new system, after all. But no, every time he’d contacted Network Solutions (and he’d spent several hours on the phone with them) he’d been told the same story: that the name was no longer recoverable and would definitely be deleted!

因此,支付续订费并找回名称应该是一件简单的事情,对吗? 毕竟,这就是新系统的重点。 但是,不,每次他联系Network Solutions时(他花了几个小时与他们通话),都被告知相同的故事:该名称不再可恢复,肯定会被删除!

Domain Redemption in Action: Case #2


I was also contacted by one of my own customers whose name had entered the redemption period. When I made enquiries about getting the name back to the ICANN registrar who held the name, they quoted a charge of $200 to have the name returned to its owner. Presumably I was supposed to add my own percentage on top of this figure, and charge the customer even more…

我自己的一位客户进入了赎回期,也与我联系。 当我询问将名称退还给持有该名称的ICANN注册服务商时,他们报价200美元,以将名称退还给其所有者。 大概我应该在这个数字的基础上加上自己的百分比,并向客户收取更多费用……

另一个浪费的机会 (Another Wasted Opportunity)

So there you have it! Customer #1 is told the redemption period is not for recovering names after all. For customer #2, the name is recoverable — but it will cost him at least $200 to do so.

所以你有它! 告诉客户#1赎回期限毕竟不是用于恢复名称。 对于2号客户来说,这个名字是可以恢复的,但这样做至少要花200美元。

A chance to clean up the industry has been transmuted into a situation that makes the industry look seedier than ever. In fact, it will look to many customers like the new system is just an artifice designed to drain them of more hard-earned bucks.

清理行业的机会已经转变为使行业看上去比以往任何时候都更苗条的情况。 实际上,对于许多客户而言,它就像新系统只是一种设计,旨在消耗他们来之不易的金钱。

Designing and implementing a fair redemption period should have been a walk in the park. But for whatever reason, it hasn’t happened. One has to seriously wonder about the structure and integrity of an industry where such a farce is allowed to play itself out. Domain name owners, beware!

设计和实施公平的赎回期应该是在公园散步。 但是无论出于什么原因,都没有发生。 人们必须认真考虑一个行业的结构和完整性,在这种行业中,这种闹剧是可以发挥出来的。 域名所有者,当心!


