
tech2024-05-10  107


Next, import your image into ImageReady, and select the “Slices” option from the menu. In the drop down menu click “Create Slices from Guides”. Your image should look like this:

接下来,将图像导入ImageReady,然后从菜单中选择“切片”选项。 在下拉菜单中,单击“从参考线创建切片”。 您的图像应如下所示:

Note that all the slices have been created from the guidelines, and are numbered. The numbers are merely the default method by which ImageReady names the sliced images — we’ll change them later.

请注意,所有切片均已根据准则创建并编号。 数字只是ImageReady命名切片图像的默认方法-我们稍后将对其进行更改。

Ok, now that you’ve created your slices, in the “Windows” dialog box choose “Show Slices”. It will display something like this:

好的,既然您已经创建了切片,请在“ Windows”对话框中选择“显示切片”。 它将显示如下内容:

Next, we’ll combine some of the slices and name them. So choose the “Slice Selection Tool”. The two vertical guidelines have split the header into three images, and we need to combine those slices to make the header into one single image.

接下来,我们将合并一些切片并命名。 因此,选择“切片选择工具”。 这两个垂直准则将标头分为三个图像,我们需要将这些切片组合在一起以将标头变成一个图像。

Once you’ve chosen the Slice Selection Tool, click on the top left corner of Slice 01. Then, holding the shift key down, click on Slices 02 and 03. Next, right-click on the center slice, and choose “Combine Slices” from the dialog box that appears. Mac users should choose the Slices menu item and choose “Combine Slices” from the dialog box.

选择“切片选择工具”后,单击“切片01”的左上角。然后,按住Shift键的同时,单击“切片02”和“ 03”。接下来,右键单击中心切片,然后选择“合并切片”出现的对话框中”。 Mac用户应选择“切片”菜单项,然后从对话框中选择“合并切片”。

Now your image should look like this:


The three slices have now become a single slice, highlighted with a yellow border. To name the slice, go to the “Show Slices” dialog. In the name field type in “header”, and repeat this process for the footer area, naming it “footer”.

现在,这三个切片已成为单个切片,并以黄色边框突出显示。 要命名切片,请转到“显示切片”对话框。 在名称字段中键入“页眉”,然后对页脚区域重复此过程,将其命名为“页脚”。

But wait! We still have a few more slices that need names. Just under the header on the left side you should see what is now Slice 02 — a small, dark blue square. Because this slice has the same dimensions as Slices 04, 08 and 10, we need only save one of them. So click on Slice 02 with the Slice Selection Tool, and name it “blue_square”. Next, click on Slice 05 and name it “gray_bar”. Again, you’ll notice that it is the same as Slice 07 — so you only need to save one of them.

可是等等! 我们还有几个需要名称的切片。 在左侧标题的下面,您应该看到现在为Slice 02的一个小深蓝色正方形。 由于此切片与切片04、08和10具有相同的尺寸,因此我们只需要保存其中一个即可。 因此,使用“切片选择工具”单击“切片02”,并将其命名为“ blue_square”。 接下来,单击Slice 05并将其命名为“ gray_bar”。 同样,您会注意到它与Slice 07相同–因此,您只需要保存其中之一即可。

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