
tech2024-05-10  96


Openwebmail is a free, open source webmail solution that offers a comprehensive feature set comparable to Microsoft Outlook. Developed in Perl and built to handle environments large and small, Openwebmail may be an excellent add-on for web designers and developers to recommend to their clients or offer as a service on the servers they manage.

Openwebmail是一个免费的开放源代码Webmail解决方案,它提供的功能集可与Microsoft Outlook相提并论。 Openwebmail是在Perl中开发的,旨在处理各种大小的环境,它可能是Web设计人员和开发人员向其客户推荐或在其管理的服务器上提供服务的绝佳附件。

Openwebmail includes powerful features beyond a user-friendly webmail interface. Some of these include:

除了用户友好的Webmail界面之外,Openwebmail还包括强大的功能。 其中一些包括:

-Address book -Calendaring -Disk quotas -Web Disks -Spam filters and Mail filtering -Confirm reading options -Message searching and spell check features -Remote SMTP relaying


In addition, in group environments, a global address book and calendar can be created and shared by users.


Openwebmail was inspired by Ernie Miller and his NeoMail project, and has taken on a life of its own. You can review the Openwebmail site at http://www.openwebmail.org.

Openwebmail的灵感来自Ernie Miller和他的NeoMail项目,并拥有自己的生命。 您可以在http://www.openwebmail.org上查看Openwebmail网站。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/powerful-webmail-solution/


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