
tech2024-05-10  94


I was in a situation recently where I was working remotely with none of my own equipment and had to edit a rather lengthy article supplied in Microsoft Word HTML.

最近,我处于无法使用自己的设备进行远程操作的情况,不得不编辑Microsoft Word HTML中提供的一篇冗长的文章。

While Word is easily considered one of the best in the word processing field, the majority agree it aboslutely stinks as an HTML generator. Being required to post this article in as standards-compliant format as possible, I strained at the the thought of manually removing several hundred lines worth of code.

尽管Word很容易被认为是文字处理领域中最好的语言之一,但大多数人都认为它作为HTML生成器确实很臭。 由于要求以尽可能符合标准的格式发布本文,所以我想到了手动删除几百行代码的想法。

Tidy comes to the rescue! Many of us may have used Tidy individually in the beginning — however it and variations on its function have now been built into so many web development tools we take code cleanup for granted.

整洁来救援! 我们中的许多人可能在一开始就单独使用过Tidy,但是现在Tidy及其功能的变体已经内置到许多Web开发工具中,我们认为代码清理是理所当然的。

I was quickly able to drop the HTML source from the article in question into Tidy and output pristine HTML — saving time and reminding me why I like to keep it simple. Tidy is an excellent example of the KISS theory and why it works for many open source software solutions – keep it simple, focus on a niche and do what you do well.

我很快就能够将相关文章HTML源代码放到Tidy中,并输出原始HTML,从而节省了时间,并提醒我为什么要保持简单。 Tidy是KISS理论的一个很好的例子,它为什么可以用于许多开源软件解决方案-保持简单,专注于利基市场并做自己擅长的事情。

I happen to keep Mac Tidy, managed by Terry Teague, around on my own gear when not using Macromedia Dreamweaver and BBEdit. The original Tidy resided with the W3C and the current project has been handed off and can be found on Sourceforge.

当不使用Macromedia Dreamweaver和BBEdit时,我碰巧将由Terry Teague管理的Mac Tidy随身携带。 最初的Tidy驻留在W3C中 ,当前项目已移交,可以在Sourceforge上找到。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/revisiting-tidy/

