
tech2024-05-11  107


As many of you probably already saw today, CA (Computer Associates) joined the open source fray by announcing plans to release the core of their Ingres database code under an open source license.


Interestingly, CA is not using the dual license structure that MySQL uses – which is of you distribute MySQL in your application and it is free – then MySQL is free. If you build a proprietary application and distribute MySQL – you have to pay.

有趣的是,CA没有使用MySQL使用的双重许可证结构(即在您的应用程序中分发MySQL并且它是免费的),然后MySQL是免费的。 如果您构建专有应用程序并分发MySQL,则必须付费。

CA only will require developers to share changes they make directly to Ingres, with no concern over any apps built on top of the db platform.


According to an interview with Maurice Donegan, director of product marketing for databases at Computer Associates International, with eWeek, the company is reviewing the entire codebase to insure no borrowed or non-CA code is in the release. This will limit any risk to users whod ownload and use Ingres from potential future lawsuits.

根据接受eWeek采访的Computer Associates International数据库产品行销总监Maurice Donegan的采访,该公司正在审查整个代码库,以确保发行版本中没有借来的或非CA的代码。 这样可以将风险限制在拥有和使用潜在未来诉讼中的Ingres的用户身上。

I find it interesting that companies of substantial size are moving toward the open source arena, even if with ancillary applications. This reinforces the notion that Linux and open source are gaining traction in traditional corporate markets. Companies that are heavily leveraged in the enterprise do not simply leap into the open source space for no reason.

我发现有趣的是,即使有辅助应用程序,规模庞大的公司也正在朝着开源领域迈进。 这强化了Linux和开放源代码在传统公司市场中越来越受欢迎的观念。 在企业中被充分利用的公司不会无缘无故地跳入开源领域。

Of course, these entrants do not necessarily come with charitable intentions. They want to make money in doing business with Linux.

当然,这些进入者不一定带有慈善意向。 他们想通过与Linux做生意来赚钱。

See the full eWeek story here.

在此处查看完整的eWeek故事 。


