
tech2024-05-11  110

Ensim has just released version 4 of their well known server control panel system and have also added a new service, Ensim Ignite, which pledges to bring large hosting services to the small hosting business.

Ensim刚刚发布了他们著名的服务器控制面板系统的第4版,并且还添加了一项新服务Ensim Ignite ,该服务承诺为小型托管企业带来大型托管服务。

The upgrade to Ensim Basic and Pro includes integration with the Ensim Ignite service, which was released in April 2004. Ensim has assembled an array of critical application service provider resources into one interface with Ignite. This provides opportunities for hosting firms and webmasters to offer comprehensive services for client recruitment and retention and earn residual referral fees and leverage the services for their own business.

对Ensim Basic和Pro的升级包括与Ensim Ignite服务的集成,该服务于2004年4月发布。Ensim已将一系列关键应用程序服务提供商资源组合到与Ignite的一个接口中。 这为托管公司和网站管理员提供了机会,为客户的招募和保留提供全面的服务,并获得剩余的推荐费,并利用这些服务开展自己的业务。

Ignite includes access to search engine optimization services, commerce and merchant tools, ssl certificates, email marketing management and more.


Users on Ensim 3.5 can download the upgrade free of charge. Ensim is including numerous free trials within Ignite to encurage adoption.

使用Ensim 3.5的用户可以免费下载升级。 Ensim在Ignite中包含许多免费试用版,以确保采用率。

Author’s Note: I will be in Chicago through May 17th (Linux and OS X activities) and will not be posting to Open Sourcery during that time. I am sure I will bring back some fresh insights and research to add to Open Sourcery next week.

作者注意:我将在5月17日之前在芝加哥(Linux和OS X活动),并且在此期间不会发布到Open Sourcery。 我确信我将在下周带回一些新的见解和研究,以添加到Open Sourcery中。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/new-releases-from-ensim/
