微软tts linux

tech2024-05-11  109

微软tts linux

ZDNetAsia ran an interesting article earlier this month that reflects a somewhat more mature view of open source internally at Microsoft.

ZDNetAsia在本月初发表了一篇有趣的文章 ,反映了Microsoft内部对开源的某种较为成熟的看法。

It is obvious that a scorched earth policy on open source will not work for Microsoft, as they have discovered after previous attempts at using inflammatory remarks to debase Linux. Thus the company has started building an internal sandbox within which to explore Unix variants from Linux to Solaris to Apple’s OS X. The Windows maker is using Bill Hilf, a lifelong Unix/Linux expert to manage a lab that provides under the hood access to the competing OS.

很明显,对开放源代码的焦土政策对Microsoft无效,因为他们是在先前尝试使用煽动性言论降低Linux信誉之后发现的。 因此,该公司已开始构建内部沙箱,以在其中探索从Linux到Solaris到Apple OS X的Unix变体。这家Windows制造商正在使用毕生的Unix / Linux专家Bill Hilf来管理一个实验室,该实验室可提供对引擎的访问。竞争的操作系统。

I find it fascinating the trials and tribulations of setting up the lab – which Hilf reveals in the piece. It also suggests possible positive results of the exercise – that possible improvements to open source applications might be contributed from Microsoft’s Linux Lab and that Microsoft may be able and willing to improve how its systems interact with competing operating systems. This would be a necessary evil for them as many large Microsoft customers largely also run Unix variants side by side with Windows boxes.

我发现它吸引了建立实验室的磨难和磨难-Hilf在文章中揭示了这一点。 它还表明该练习可能会取得积极成果–微软的Linux Lab可能对开源应用程序做出了可能的改进,并且微软可能并且愿意改善其系统与竞争性操作系统的交互方式。 对于他们来说,这将是一个必要的恶魔,因为许多大型的Microsoft客户在很大程度上还与Windows机器同时运行Unix变体。

Hilf may also be one of the drivers behind the company’s recent outreach to the Open Source Development Labs (OSDL) for a shared study on Windows and Linux. However, at first glance I have to agree with OSDL leader Stuart Cohen’s reaction in that same article:

Hilf可能也是该公司最近扩展到开源开发实验室 (OSDL)进行Windows和Linux共享研究的推动因素之一。 但是,乍一看,我必须在同一篇文章中同意OSDL领导人Stuart Cohen的React:

“As far as working with Microsoft on a study, Microsoft could probably find one negative line on Linux in a 100-page research report that it would spend $10 million marketing while ignoring the other 99 pages.”


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/microsofts-linux-lab/

微软tts linux
