
tech2024-05-11  109


…posted by davidjmedlock:

…由 davidjmedlock 发布 :

Have you thought about developing a revolutionary custom tag, CFC, or CFX tag? Maybe it’s a super flexible and easy to install content management system or a CFX tag that allows someone to create zip files on the fly. Whatever it is that you’ve developed, or plan on developing, you should research the various ways of promotion in order to maximize your visibility and sales.

您是否考虑过开发革命性的自定义标签,CFC或CFX标签? 也许这是一个超级灵活且易于安装的内容管理系统,或者是一个CFX标签,它允许某人即时创建zip文件。 无论您开发了什么,或打算进行什么开发,都应研究各种促销方式,以最大程度地提高知名度和销售量。

First, you may want to start out by reading Sell Software on a Shoestring right here on SitePoint by Yau Wei Liang. It’s a couple of years old, but the information is still very valid today.

首先,您可能想开始阅读Yau Wei Liang撰写的SitePoint 上的卖鞋软件 。 它已经有两年历史了,但是今天的信息仍然非常有效。

Once you’ve gotten your script developed, here are a few suggestions for promoting it:


First, you need to create your sales page(s) for your script. If you run a web site where you sell (or will sell) other products, you’ll want to create a sales page that features the product you’re selling exclusively. On the sales page you’ll want to have all the information that a visitor could possibly want about your script. If they can’t get all the information they need quickly and easily, they will move on to the next item they find on Google. You need to include:

首先,您需要为脚本创建销售页面。 如果您在销售(或将要出售)其他产品的网站上运行,则需要创建一个销售页面,其中专门包含您要销售的产品。 在销售页面上,您将需要访问者可能想要的有关脚本的所有信息。 如果他们无法快速,轻松地获取所需的所有信息,他们将继续进行下一个在Google上找到的项目。 您需要包括:

– Is it a custom tag, CFC, UDF, or an entire application?


– What version of ColdFusion is required? Does it support CF 5, CF MX, CF 3.0? This is vital information.

–需要什么版本的ColdFusion? 它支持CF 5,CF MX,CF 3.0吗? 这是至关重要的信息。

– Does it use a database? What kind of database? Access? SQL Server? Oracle? Users will need to know what your script requires them to have access to.

–是否使用数据库? 什么样的数据库? 访问? SQL Server? Oracle? 用户将需要知道您的脚本要求他们有权访问的内容。

– Does it use tags like CFFILE, CFDIRECTORY, CFHTTP, or other tags that may commonly be disabled by a virtual host? You don’t have to give away your code, but make sure the user knows what they’re in for.

–它是否使用CFFILE,CFDIRECTORY,CFHTTP之类的标签或虚拟主机通常禁用的其他标签? 您不必放弃代码,但要确保用户知道他们要做什么。

– How easy is it to install? You could even put installation instructions on a single page and link to it from your sales page. This will give them a place to return after they’ve made the purchase and when they’re installing it. The more time they spend on your site the better. They may be more likely to recommend you to others or purchase other products later on.

–安装有多容易? 您甚至可以将安装说明放在一个页面上,然后从销售页面链接到它。 购买后以及安装时,这将为他们提供退货的地方。 他们在您的网站上花费的时间越长越好。 他们可能会在以后向您推荐其他人或购买其他产品。

– Most importantly: What features does it support? Make a detailed list of every feature your application supports. If it’s a custom tag, CFC, or UDf, provide usage examples so that your visitors can see just how easy it is to use your tag.

–最重要的是:它支持哪些功能? 列出您的应用程序支持的每个功能的详细列表。 如果是自定义标签,CFC或UDf,请提供用法示例,以便您的访问者可以看到使用标签有多么容易。

– Provide pricing in an easy to locate place. It is essential that you tell the user the price. But, don’t just tell them “This CMS is $XXXX.” Tell them what benefits this CMS will give them. By focusing on the benefits of your application, you draw attention away from the price and you focus on convincing them that it’s completely worth whatever price they pay.

–在易于查找的位置提供定价。 您必须告知用户价格。 但是,不要只是告诉他们“此CMS是$ XXXX”。 告诉他们这个CMS将给他们带来什么好处 。 通过专注于应用程序的好处,您可以将注意力从价格上吸引下来,并专注于使他们相信,无论他们付出什么价格,都完全值得。

You may even want to create a product box image to place on your sales page. If you’re not good with graphics, you may be able to find someone who will do the work at an inexpensive rate for you. Or you could make due with what you’ve got until you’ve gotten a couple of sales and then hire someone to do it for you. The presentation of your product as a professionally developed script is extremely important. People won’t want to pay good money for something that doesn’t look like it was well developed or that looks like the support for it will be lax.

您甚至可能想要创建一个产品框图像以放置在您的销售页面上。 如果您对图形不满意,也许可以找到可以以便宜的价格为您完成工作的人。 或者,您可以根据自己所拥有的东西做出应有的贡献,直到获得几笔销售,然后雇用某人为您做这件事。 以专业开发的脚本形式展示产品非常重要。 人们不愿为看起来不那么发达的东西或对它的支持松懈的东西付出高昂的代价。

Something else you should think about_: Is your product well documented? If it isn’t, don’t even think about selling it. If it is well documented, could the documentation be better? For example, write case studies on how users have implemented your script on their sites. Write articles on how to do things with your script that may not be as obvious to others as it is to you. Keep in mind that you wrote the script, so you know what it’s capable of. Others don’t, and it’s your job to show them how powerful and flexible your script is.

您应该考虑的其他事项_:您的产品是否有据可查? 如果不是,甚至不要考虑出售它。 如果有充分的文档证明,那么文档会更好吗? 例如,编写有关用户如何在其站点上实现您的脚本的案例研究。 撰写有关如何使用脚本执行操作的文章,这些文章可能对别人并不像对您那么明显。 请记住,您编写了脚本,因此知道它的功能。 其他人则没有,这是您的工作,向他们展示脚本的功能和灵活性。

Also, search the web for every script directory you can possibly find and get your script listed in there. Something like HotScripts or DevScripts can really boost your traffic and income. Personally, I’d never pay to be included in one of these since there are so many free listings available. You may choose to get a sponsored listing to increase your visibility, but if you’re on a tight budget you may decide not to.

另外,在网络上搜索可能找到的每个脚本目录,并在其中列出您的脚本。 诸如HotScripts或DevScripts之类的东西确实可以增加您的流量和收入。 就个人而言,因为有这么多免费的清单,所以我永远也不会被包含在其中之一中。 您可以选择获取赞助商列表以提高知名度,但是如果预算紧张,您可能会决定不这样做。

Now, it’s time to sell your script. The best way to do this is to take credit cards or checks via the internet. If you don’t want to go through the process of setting up a merchant account and a secure server and all of that right off the bat, you should look into a couple of ways to sell your scripts:

现在,该卖脚本了。 最好的方法是通过互联网接收信用卡或支票。 如果您不希望立即设置商家帐户和安全服务器,而要立即进行所有操作,则应考虑几种出售脚本的方法:

– Accept PayPal. Many people are already registered with PayPal and now that PayPal no longer requires registration, it’s even easier to accept payments through them. And the fees are reasonable as well. (Though I don’t remember exactly, I’m sure my PayPal account charges me less than 5% total…)

–接受贝宝。 许多人已经在贝宝(PayPal)注册,现在贝宝(PayPal)不再需要注册 ,通过它们接受付款更​​加容易。 而且费用也是合理的。 (尽管我不太记得,但是我确定我的PayPal帐户向我收取的费用不足5%…)

– Use a third party such as You register, upload your script, and watch your sales start coming in. They take care of the merchant account and card processing and send you a check or PayPal payment Net 30. The only drawback is that they charge a whopping 15% (plus if you have them send it to you via PayPal you’ll be paying those fees as well). It may be a decent way to get visibility and get those first few sales, but if your product becomes very successful, you may not want to pay that kind of commission.

–使用第三方,例如。 您注册,上传脚本并观看销售开始。他们会处理商家帐户和卡处理过程,并向您发送支票或PayPal Payment Net30。唯一的缺点是,他们收取的费用高达15%(如果您让他们通过贝宝(PayPal)将其发送给您,您也要支付这些费用)。 这可能是获得知名度并获得前几笔销售的一种不错的方式,但是如果您的产品非常成功,您可能不希望支付这种佣金。

– You may also look into PayQuake, 2Checkout, or other third party payment processors to handle these payments.


(Please note that I am in no way affiliated with any of the companies mentioned above. I am simply providing an objective viewpoint of these companies and methods of selling your products.)


Well, that’s all that I have to say for now. It’s an earful, I know. I hope this helps those of you out there to get your scripts on the market and make some cash doing it. But, don’t forget the community, too. Providing open source, free scripts can ensure that people don’t get the impression that you’re only out to make a buck. It can also build return traffic and convince people that you create solid products that are worthy of payment. Most importantly, have fun with it! If you aren’t having fun, it’s time for a career change.

好吧,这就是我现在要说的。 我知道这很早。 我希望这能帮助那些在那里的人将您的脚本投放市场,并从中赚钱。 但是,也不要忘记社区。 提供开放源代码的免费脚本可以确保人们不会觉得自己只是为了赚钱。 它还可以建立往返流量,并说服人们您创建了值得付款的可靠产品。 最重要的是,玩得开心! 如果您不开心,那就该换职业了。


