
tech2024-05-11  120


One of the coolest things about any coding language is watching people take it from one area (the web) to another. For example php’ers have hooks into the GTK tool kit which gives them the ability to build GUI applications for the desktop etc.

关于任何编码语言,最酷的事情之一就是看着人们将其从一个区域(网络)转移到另一个区域。 例如php'ers具有钩入GTK工具箱这使他们的能力来为桌面等构建GUI应用程序

Well recently two cool ColdFusion items have floated up from the net and onto my browser.


The first is a guy on the CF-TALK mailing list who’s made a CF app run from a CD using various software packages. You can see the initial thread here, and see his online documentation here. That second URL might not work all the time, as i think the developer is hosting it at home. Im sure you can see the marketing advantages this will have. Think mini-CD’s and promotions.

第一个是CF-TALK邮件列表中的一个人,他使用各种软件包从CD上运行CF应用程序。 您可以在此处看到初始线程 ,并在此处看到其在线文档 。 第二个URL可能不会一直有效,因为我认为开发人员正在家里托管它。 我确定您可以看到这将带来的营销优势。 想想迷你CD和促销。

The second item is a software program which will allow you to create and run desktop ColdFusion applications. CORAL is a nice little application that frees you from the web. It allows you to develop and deploy your ColdFusion applications in a variety of ways including the desktop. This is nice because it free you from having to pay for a CF license every time you want to deploy your application on the desktop etc.

第二项是一个软件程序,它将使您可以创建和运行桌面ColdFusion应用程序。 CORAL是一个不错的小应用程序,可将您从网络上解放出来。 它允许您以多种方式(包括桌面)来开发和部署ColdFusion应用程序。 这很好,因为它使您不必每次都要在桌面等上部署应用程序时都需要支付CF许可证。

Hopefully you’ll find these bits of ingenuity interesting, and maybe it’ll spark your imagination a bit.



