
tech2024-05-11  103

If you are working intensively with the new Flash MX 2004 components in your applications or just wishing to follow a more strict development environment for your applications, then AS2.0 is something that you just can’t get away from, but what I’m interested in hearing from the Sitepoint Flash community is how many of you have progressed to the dark side , and what problems you faced in your migration.

如果您正在应用程序中大量使用新的Flash MX 2004组件,或者只是希望为应用程序遵循更严格的开发环境,那么AS2.0是您无法摆脱的,但是我有兴趣听取Sitepoint Flash社区的声音的是,你们中有多少人已经发展到 阴暗面 ,以及迁移过程中遇到的问题。

Alternatively if you haven’t made the move to AS2.0, what are your reasons (time, no need, project constraints etc?)


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/migrating-as10-to-as20/
