
tech2024-05-12  115

SpreadFirefox.com have a gallery of screenshots up to celebrate Firefox’s first birthday.

SpreadFirefox.com拥有一个截图库,以庆祝Firefox的一岁生日 。

In its first year of official release it has enjoyed more than 100 million downloads (check out the celebratory photo gallery) and is now tipped to have reached 10% market share (see Asa Dotzler’s excellent blog).

在正式发布的第一年,它已获得超过1亿次下载 (请查看庆祝性的图片库 ),现在有望达到10%的市场份额(请参阅Asa Dotzler的出色博客 )。

One year after releasing 1.0, version 1.5 is just around the corner, with the second release candidate build available for download now. I have been following the patches and submitting bugs for a year now, and am very proud that some bugs I reported have been fixed in the upcoming version. Submitting bug reports to the Mozilla crew has been an impressively positive and rewarding experience, due to its supportive community and team of developers and patchers.

发布1.0版一年后,版本1.5迫在眉睫,现在可以下载第二个候选版本。 我一直在跟踪补丁并提交错误 ,已经有一年了,对于我报告的一些错误已在即将发布的版本中修复的情况感到非常自豪。 由于Mozilla的支持社区以及开发人员和修补程序团队,向Mozilla团队提交错误报告是一种令人印象深刻的积极而有益的经历。

One of the most exciting, to me, updates in Firefox 1.5 will be its incremental updates system. Updates can be downloaded automatically in the background, and installed the next time the browser restarts. What’s more, the updates are incremental – no more downloading the entire 6 MB each time a minor update is released.

对我来说,Firefox 1.5中最令人兴奋的更新之一就是它的增量更新系统。 更新可以在后台自动下载,并在下次浏览器重启时安装。 而且,更新是增量的–每次发布次要更新时,都不再需要下载整个6 MB。

If you decide to go download and install a release candidate build of Firefox, you may need to upgrade some or most of your extensions manually, and you may find that some extensions do not have updated versions available. Extension authors are being encouraged to upgrade their extensions based on the new release candidates in time for the 1.5 release.

如果决定下载并安装 Firefox的候选发布版本 ,则可能需要手动升级部分或大部分扩展,并且可能会发现某些扩展没有可用的更新版本。 鼓励扩展作者根据1.5版本的新候选版本升级其扩展。

SitePoint’s book Firefox Secrets, which is a complete guide to using, personalising and tweaking Firefox, also contains information on a lot of the new features of Firefox 1.5 (called Firefox 1.1 at the time the book was published), such as the new, simplified options panel. Selected chapters from the book are available for free online.

SitePoint的《 Firefox Secrets》一书是使用,个性化和调整Firefox的完整指南,还包含有关Firefox 1.5的许多新功能(本书出版时称为Firefox 1.1)的信息,例如简化的新功能。选项面板。 本书中的选定章节可免费在线获得 。

Next step for me? Maybe I’ll have a go at writing a Firefox extension one of these days. Maybe I could get more stuck into XUL and try my hand at submitting a patch.

对我来说下一步? 这些天之一,也许我会去写一个Firefox扩展。 也许我可能会更多地陷入XUL并尝试提交补丁。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/one-year-and-100-million-downloads-later-firefox/
