
tech2024-05-12  100


Download the sample files here.

在此处下载示例文件 。

1. Take a picture and convert it into a movie clip. Here I’ve used a rectangle shape as an image, but of course, you can use any images of your choice.

1.拍摄照片并将其转换为影片剪辑。 在这里,我使用了矩形作为图像,但是,当然,您可以选择任何图像。

2. From the library. drag the movieclip on to the stage.

2.从图书馆。 将动画片段拖到舞台上。

3. I have taken 6 movie clips and given each a instance name of "blue1", "blue2", "blue3", "blue4", "blue5", or "blue6".

3.我已经拍摄了6个影片剪辑,并给每个实例指定了实例名称“ blue1”,“ blue2”,“ blue3”,“ blue4”,“ blue5”或“ blue6”。

4. Now comes the action script. In the first key frame insert the action:

4.现在是动作脚本。 在第一个关键帧中插入操作:

fade = 100; //starting movie number   movienum = 1;

5. Create the key frames as shown here:


6. In the fifth key frame, insert the actions:


setProperty ("/blue" add movienum, _alpha, fade); fade = fade - 5;   if(fade == 0)   {   fade = 100;   setProperty ("/blue" add movienum, _alpha, fade);   movienum = movienum + 1;   gotoAndPlay (2);   }   if(movienum == 7)   {   fade = 100;   movienum = 1;   gotoAndPlay (1);   }

7. In the last key frame give action.


gotoAndPlay (5);.

8. Test the movie see how the movie fades. Use your own imagination to re-use the movie for your specific purposes!

8.测试电影,看电影如何淡出。 用自己的想象力将电影重新用于您的特定目的!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/sequential-image-fader/

