flash 调用 脚本

tech2024-05-12  108

flash 调用 脚本

Download the sample files here.

在此处下载示例文件 。

1. Create a small snowflake I used a small circle filled with white color.


2. Convert this snowflake object to a movie clip, and give it an instance name of "snow".

2.将此雪花对象转换为影片剪辑,并为其指定实例名称“ snow”。

3. Now, go in to the time line of this snow movie clip, and create three keyframes in this layer.


4. In the first key frame give action:


mov = 0; ran = getProperty("", _x);

5. In the second key frame give action:


setProperty ("", _y, mov=mov+2); snowy = getProperty("", _y); setProperty ("", _x, (ran+random(2))); if(snowy > 310) { setProperty ("", _y, 50); mov=0; ran = ran - 10; }

6. In the third key frame give action:


gotoAndPlay (2);

7. Now go back to the main timeline, and create two key frames in this layer.


8. Insert these actions into the first key frame:


if (snowparticles<150) { duplicateMovieClip("snow","snow" add i,i) scale=random(60)+10 setProperty("snow" add i,_x,random(450)) setProperty("snow" add i,_xscale,scale) setProperty("snow" add i,_yscale,scale) snowparticles++ i++ }

9. Insert this action into the second key frame:


gotoAndPlay (2);

That’s it! You have created your own snow effect.

而已! 您已经创建了自己的雪花效果。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/script-falling-snow-effect/

flash 调用 脚本

相关资源:精易模块[源码] V5.15