
tech2024-05-13  111


This article explains how Flash can kill a business Website, but rest assured it’s not an anti-Flash rant!


Flash has a definite and, most likely, permanent place in the Web designer’s toolbox. But, used without careful thought and consideration, Flash can mean the death of your online venture! I should mention up-front that I’m talking about all-Flash sites — while a site built entirely in Flash might be ok for some purposes (for example an online portfolio), for a business site, it’s a real killer!

Flash在Web设计人员的工具箱中具有确定的且很可能是永久的位置。 但是,如果没有仔细考虑和考虑,Flash可能意味着您的在线冒险的失败! 我应该在前面提到我所说的全Flash网站-虽然出于某些目的(例如在线投资组合)完全使用Flash构建的网站可能不错,但对于商业网站来说,这是一个真正的杀手!!

有什么问题? (What’s the Problem?)

So what exactly is the problem with an all-Flash business site?


Usability takes a tumble

可用性大跌 Accessibility dies

辅助功能死亡 Modem users suffer, and

调制解调器用户受苦,并且 Search engines don’t index Flash files!


These problems arise mainly when inexperienced or negligent developers attempt to create the abominable all-Flash site. One big Flash file for a 10-20 page site? Yech! So let’s take a look at these points one by one.

这些问题主要是由于经验不足或疏忽的开发人员试图创建可憎的全闪存站点而引起的。 一个10-20页网站的大型Flash文件? ch! 因此,让我们一一看一下这些要点。

Usability Issues


If you design Websites for a living, then you’ll know that the concept of usability is often lost on the client. But it’s never lost on that client’s visitors!

如果您以谋生为目的设计网站,那么您会知道可用性的概念通常会在客户端上丢失。 但这对客户的访问者来说永远不会丢失!

Your average surfer is a simple beast:


He wants information

他想要信息 He wants in now, and

他现在要进去,并且 He doesn’t want to have to jump through hoops to get it


If a Website is made overly complex through the use of Flash navigation systems, long introduction animations, or useless effects you’ll lose potential buyers in droves. So if your Website is one giant Flash file, it’s on the ropes before you even publish it.

如果通过使用Flash导航系统,冗长的介绍动画或无用的效果使网站过于复杂,您将成群结队地吸引潜在的购买者。 因此,如果您的网站是一个巨大的Flash文件,那么它甚至在发布之前就已经存在。

Usually, the only people who are impressed by excessive Flash content are the designer and the poor fool he’s working for. To think of this another way: why don’t you see Flash menus and effects on Amazon? Because this kind of content would only keep users away from the site’s purpose — convincing people to buy.

通常,唯一对Flash内容过多印象深刻的人就是设计师和他所工作的可怜的傻瓜。 用另一种方式思考:您为什么在Amazon上看不到Flash菜单和效果? 因为这类内容只会使用户远离网站的目的,从而说服人们购买。

Accessibility Issues


Remember we’re talking about the all-Flash site here. To anyone with needs that require text resizing, screen reading, etc., your Flash content is useless.

记住,我们在这里谈论的是全闪存站点。 对于任何需要调整文本大小,阅读屏幕等内容的人,您的Flash内容都是无用的。

Okay, if you’re selling a highly visual product to a Web savvy, younger audience with 90% DSL Internet access, then go ahead. But if you’re selling anything else, who’s to say that your products aren’t of interest to other, less technologically-advanced groups? Do you really want to deny access to these users (who are, of course, potential customers)?

好的,如果您要向拥有90%DSL互联网访问权限的精通Web的年轻受众群体销售高视觉效果的产品,请继续。 但是,如果您要出售其他产品,谁又会说您的产品对其他技术含量较低的人群不感兴趣? 您是否真的要拒绝对这些用户(当然是潜在客户)的访问?

There is nothing accessible about the all-Flash site!


Modem Issues


That’s right pal: not everyone has a super high-speed DSL connection. In fact, most people still use a 56k modem.

没错,好朋友:并非每个人都有超高速DSL连接。 实际上,大多数人仍然使用56k调制解调器。

How do you surf when you’re looking for information? I don’t even give the Flash sites a look-in. I’ll click through a list of search results until I hit a page that grabs me immediately by presenting the exact content I’m after right away!

当您寻找信息时如何浏览? 我什至不让Flash网站进行查找。 我将点击搜索结果列表,直到找到一个页面,该页面立即显示我所关注的确切内容,从而立即抓住了我!

The Web is about information. Users don’t give a darn about the graphical aspects of the average business Website: they want your content!

Web是关于信息的。 用户不会对普通企业网站的图形方面感到毛骨悚然:他们想要您的内容!

And if you don’t give it to them immediately, someone else will.


Search Engine Indexing Issues


Need traffic for your all-Flash Website? Forget it. Unless you want to get spammy with your site and the search engines, and run the risk of being reported by a competitor or tripping a spam filter, you’re doomed.

需要全闪存网站的流量吗? 算了吧。 除非您希望自己的网站和搜索引擎变得垃圾邮件,并冒被竞争对手举报或绊倒垃圾邮件过滤器的风险,否则您注定要失败。

HTML is a content medium — search engines pick up HTML just fine. Flash is a graphics medium, and should be used for …er… graphical content!

HTML是一种内容介质,搜索引擎可以很好地选择HTML。 Flash是一种图形介质,应用于……图形内容!

The indexing of Flash files is incomplete at best, and is still a shady, unexplored area. This means that all that hard work, or if you’re the client, all that cash, is probably for nothing.

Flash文件的索引充其量是不完整的,仍然是一个未开发的阴暗区域。 这意味着所有的辛勤工作,或者如果您是客户,那么所有的现金,可能都是徒劳的。

If you are faced with the task of optimizing an all-Flash Website, then currently the best way forward is to develop an alternate HTML Website. Have the home page run as a loading page for the Flash site with a prominent link to the alternate HTML version.

如果您面临优化全闪存网站的任务,那么当前最好的解决方法是开发备用HTML网站。 使主页作为Flash网站的加载页面运行,并带有指向备用HTML版本的突出链接。

Just for your information, someone I recently spoke to who implemented this solution reports that between 70% and 80% of users click the HTML link on average. Says it all, really!

仅作为您的信息,我最近与之实现该解决方案的一位联系人报告说,平均有70%至80%的用户单击HTML链接。 说全部,真的!

谁要责备? (Who’s To Blame?)

So who’s fault are the problems around Flash usage on business sites? Do the issues arise because Flash as a medium is inappropriate, or because the designer has misappropriated the technology for the wrong purpose?

那么,谁在负责企业网站上的Flash使用问题呢? 是因为Flash不适合作为媒介,还是因为设计者出于错误目的滥用了该技术,是否会出现问题?

The overall feeling of most Web professionals today is that excessive use of Flash in general, and more specifically, the use of the technology on business sites, is most definitely not the fault of Flash itself.


The problems lie in the fact that Flash, like many other Web technologies, is a fairly simple tool for the "have a go" amateur to "cobble something together" with.


However, dedicated Flash designers tell me that, like many Web technologies (such as scripting languages like PHP and ASP), Flash really takes years to master.


Dedication, experience and an understanding of the Flash medium enables designers to use it very effectively and efficiently to enhance a Website’s overall look and feel, and communicate particular messages.


Thus the "My friend knows Flash" approach for a business Website whose primary purpose is to serve information and attract customers is a killer every time.


当Flash正常时… (When Flash Is OK…)

As I said earlier, Flash is not a bad tool, it just needs to be used in the right way, preferably by a talented and experienced Flash designer.


Good uses of Flash for business Websites would include:


Visual product explanations


Used to describe the workings of a product, or in visual help explanations, Flash can be really useful.


Interactive maps and diagrams


Flash can be advantageous in sites that require highly visual content, such as real estate sites. Here, a walk through of a blue-print or site diagram could be most helpful to prospective clients.

在需要高度可视化内容的站点(例如房地产站点)中,Flash可能是有利的。 在这里,浏览蓝图或站点图可能对潜在客户最有帮助。

Non-essential enhancements


Flash can be useful in the creation of extras such as logos, teasers and small effects purely for visual enhancement — provided restraint is exercised.


不要让Flash杀死您的企业网站 (Don’t Let Flash Kill Your Business Site)

Well, probably the most important thing that we, as site owners, developers and designers should pay heed to, is the fact that Flash may be easy to learn, but it requires a dedicated professional to implement it effectively.


Also, keep in mind that the all-Flash business site is usually a nightmare for both users and search engines, and that you should always provide HTML if you really must go this route.


Flash is not a great medium for textual content: you wouldn’t put all your text in gifs, so don’t put all your written content in Flash!


And finally… used sparingly and thoughtfully, Flash can really give a Website that polished, professional look. But, used by amateurs, or negligent designers, it really can kill your business Website.

最后……经过慎重而​​谨慎的使用,Flash确实可以使网站具有优美,专业的外观。 但是,由业余爱好者或过失的设计师使用,它确实可以杀死您的企业网站。

Remember, your business site’s not for you, it’s for your users!



