
tech2024-05-13  109

Regardless if the use of pdf’s is considered useful for your site visitors or cumbersome, they are a part of the everyday web. Often this is the most functional method for distributing complex documents to any platform.

不管使用pdf对您的网站访问者有用还是繁琐,它们都是日常网络的一部分。 通常,这是将复杂文档分发到任何平台的最实用的方法。

If your Linux workstation or server includes Ghostscript, you have some excellent open-source alternatives for creating and optimizing PDF files.


Ghostscript is an interpreter for PostScript and Portable Document Format (PDF) files as well as complex image files. It can translate and output files to a viewer (Ghostview for one, as well as Acrobat Reader) on numerous Unix variants including of course Linux, as well as translate PostScript files to print to a non-postscript printer.

Ghostscript是PostScript和可移植文档格式(PDF)文件以及复杂图像文件的解释器。 它可以将文件转换并输出到多种Unix变体上的查看器(包括Ghostview和Acrobat Reader),当然还包括Linux,还可以转换PostScript文件以将其打印到非Postscript打印机上。

Within the Ghostscript application there are two utilities, ps2pdf and pdfopt. ps2pdf enables you to generate pdf files completely compatible with Acrobat Reader, including the ability to tweak Adobe Distiller parameters (dozens) and to set resolution for output, such as for screen viewing, for printing and even for pre-press.

在Ghostscript应用程序中,有两个实用程序ps2pdf和pdfopt。 ps2pdf使您能够生成与Acrobat Reader完全兼容的pdf文件,包括调整Adobe Distiller参数(数十个)并为输出设置分辨率的能力,例如用于屏幕查看,打印甚至用于印前。

Also available is a nice little utility called pdfopt, which allows for the optimization of pdf files, often shrinking file size as much as 50 percent or more.


For information on these tools, see the links below:


Ghostscript –> Complete Overview

Ghostscript –> 完整概述

ps2pdf –> Create PDF files without Acrobat/Distiller

ps2pdf –>在没有Acrobat / Distiller的情况下创建PDF文件

pdfopt –> PDF Optimizer

pdfopt –> PDF优化器

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/pdfs-linux-and-the-web/
