愿望清单+ Sitepoint =新文章

tech2024-05-13  114



To be completely honest with you guys and gals, I need your input!


It’s fine and dandy me writing articles on what I think you want to read and plugging away, but if they don’t hit the mark, then its wasting your and my time.


So far, the articles I’ve written have been well received, and thanks to all of you that have contacted me asking further questions; it’s you that I do it for!, but there comes a point where I need to know exactly what you need, and this is that time.

到目前为止,我所写的文章受到了好评,并感谢与我联系并提出进一步问题的所有人。 我是为您而做的!但是有一点我需要确切地知道您的需求,这就是那时。

I need to know if you have specific requirements for Flash articles, or more general articles, but I want you the readers of the Flash blog here at Sitepoint to get something out of it, and tell me what you want to see in the upcoming articles.

我需要知道您是否对Flash文章或更通用的文章有特定要求,但我希望您从Sitepoint的Flash博客的读者那里获得一些帮助,并告诉我 您希望在接下来的文章中看到什么。

Let’s get down to the nitty gritty, and tell me what you want to see; sure you can have top level articles that gloss over particular subjects, but if you want to know how to do something in particular which is specific, then let me know and I can plan things around that.

让我们深入了解一下,告诉我您想看到什么; 确保您可以找到涵盖特定主题的顶级文章,但是,如果您想知道如何做特定的事情,请告诉我,我可以对此进行计划。

I’ve been here a few months now, and there is no need for being coy or shy; if you send me an email, I’ll reply to it as fast as I can. If you want to send me an article request via the feedback link on the left hand side of the page, feel free to do that too!!

我已经来这里几个月了,没有必要变得害羞或害羞。 如果您给我发送电子邮件,我会尽快回复。 如果您想通过页面左侧的反馈链接向我发送文章请求,也可以这样做!!

Let’s get some ideas rolling on specifics for some hot future articles!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wishlist-sitepoint-new-articles/
