Apple Xserve-简介

tech2024-05-13  109

My latest column on the Apple Xserve is up. The Xserve has been a bright spot in Apple’s more recent enterprise movements since 2002.

我在Apple Xserve上的最新专栏文章已经结束。 自2002年以来,Xserve一直是苹果最近的企业运动中的亮点。

In combination with the anticipated release of Tiger this year (the next iteration of OS X) the combo of hardware and software will certainly keep this solution on competitor radars.

结合今年Tiger的预期版本(OS X的下一个迭代版本),硬件和软件的组合必将使该解决方案保持在竞争对手的雷达范围内。

With IBM firmly entrenched on the PowerPC architecture – more and more Linux and UNIX solutions are becoming mainstream on this platform. This will only give more edge to Apple and reduce resistance from potential adopter technicians.

随着IBM在PowerPC架构上的根深蒂固,越来越多的Linux和UNIX解决方案正在该平台上成为主流。 这只会给苹果公司带来更多优势,并减少潜在采用者技术人员的阻力。

