
tech2024-05-14  108


Until now, it’s been difficult to get Flash content indexed. About the only thing you could do was to use Flash in conjunction with HTML text links to make a page crawlable by search engine spiders — a solution that also had the advantage of making Flash pages readable by users who didn’t have a Flash plug-in. And of course, HTML text links will remain a good idea for a while, as so many people continue to resist plug-ins. But it sure would be nice if Flash pages were indexed directly…

到目前为止,要索引Flash内容一直很困难。 您唯一能做的就是将Flash与HTML文本链接结合使用,以使搜索引擎蜘蛛能够抓取页面-该解决方案还具有使Flash页面可供没有Flash插件的用户可读的优点。在。 当然,一段时间以来,HTML文本链接仍然是一个好主意,因为许多人继续抵制插件。 但是,如果直接将Flash页编入索引肯定会很好...

Well, now they are. FAST just announced AllTheWeb and its partner sites will index Macromedia Flash content and applications — a breakthrough that allows many popular sites to achieve expanded visibility through search engines.

好吧,现在是。 FAST刚刚宣布, AllTheWeb及其合作伙伴站点将对Macromedia Flash内容和应用程序建立索引,这一突破使许多受欢迎的站点都可以通过搜索引擎获得更大的知名度。

Increased exposure for Flash sites is good news for designers and users alike, because it means that AllTheWeb, Lycos, InfoSpace, and other partner sites using FAST technology can readily display links to caches of Flash content that weren’t available to users before.


进阶搜寻选项 (Advanced Search Options)

AllTheWeb alone serves over 100 million users per month. Its users can now further refine their searches in Macromedia Flash content and applications by using the site’s Advanced Features section.

仅AllTheWeb每月就为超过1亿用户提供服务。 现在,它的用户可以使用该站点的“ 高级功能”部分进一步优化其在Macromedia Flash内容和应用程序中的搜索。

You’ll find a couple of new options here:


A new Embedded Content option where you can specify whether to include or exclude embedded content in Images, Audio, Video, RealVideo & RealAudio, Macromedia Flash, Java applets, JavaScript, and VBScript files.

一个新的“嵌入式内容”选项 ,您可以在其中指定是在图像,音频,视频,RealVideo和RealAudio,Macromedia Flash,Java applet,JavaScript和VBScript文件中包括还是排除嵌入式内容。

A new Result Restrictions option, which allows you to specify the document depth at the directory level when querying your search terms. That is, you can ask for search terms that appear at the home page level and above or below, all the way to the 10th level directory of the site architecture. Alternatively, you can search "all document depths."

新的“结果限制”选项 ,允许您在查询搜索词时在目录级别指定文档深度。 也就是说,您可以要求搜索词出现在首页层级之上或之下,一直到网站体系结构的第10级目录。 或者,您可以搜索“所有文档深度”。

"This new, advanced search feature from FAST presents a winning solution for the millions of people looking to perform highly-specialized searches for relevant information contained with Macromedia Flash content on the millions of sites which include our technology", said Macromedia. It seems to me that these new advanced search options can certainly improve the user experience — provided that ordinary users become aware of them and use them.

Macromedia说:“ FAST的这项新的高级搜索功能为数百万希望在包含我们技术的网站上对Macromedia Flash内容所包含的相关信息进行高度专业化搜索的人们提供了一个成功的解决方案。” Macromedia说。 在我看来,只要普通用户意识到并使用它们,这些新的高级搜索选项肯定可以改善用户体验。

Flash问答 (Flash Q&A)

When we first heard about this new functionality in our office, Operations Manager wasn’t sure she got it right. So she queried Peter Gorman, Director, Corporate Communications for Fast Search & Transfer:

当我们第一次听说办公室中的这项新功能时,Operations Manager不确定她是否正确。 因此,她向公司搜索快速传输与传讯总监Peter Gorman提出了疑问:

Question: Is FAST able to go into a site’s embedded .swf files to crawl and index the text within that file just like search engines do with HTML documents?

问: FAST是否能够像搜索引擎对HTML文档所做的那样进入网站的嵌入式.swf文件中,以对该文件中的文本进行爬网和索引?

Answer: Yes, FAST crawls links as they appear within the document and treats Flash files like HTML when converted. FAST uses the Flash Search Engine SDK, which basically converts the Flash app into a HTML file.

答:是的,FAST可以对文档中出现的链接进行爬网,并在转换后将Flash文件像HTML一样对待。 FAST使用Flash Search Engine SDK,该软件基本上将Flash应用程序转换为HTML文件。

More information on the Flash Search Engine SDK has more details.

有关Flash Search Engine SDK的更多信息,请参见更多详细信息。

We immediately downloaded the Flash Search Engine SDK from the Macromedia site and were able to convert .swf files into html. Not only does this tool allow FAST to index Flash .swf content, it may allow us to analyze our clients’ Flash files and assist them in optimizing their sites. This will become important as other search engines follow FAST’s lead in indexing Flash content.

我们立即从Macromedia网站下载了Flash Search Engine SDK,并能够将.swf文件转换为html。 该工具不仅允许FAST为Flash .swf内容建立索引,还可以让我们分析客户的Flash文件并帮助他们优化网站。 这将变得很重要,因为其他搜索引擎将遵循FAST的索引编制Flash内容索引。

将.swf文件转换为HTML (Converting .swf Files to HTML)

Once we downloaded the Macromedia app, we ran it on a couple of .swf Flash files downloaded from Macromedia’s Website. Below is a screen shot of one of those files — you can see the links and text that are viewable through a browser.

下载Macromedia应用程序后,我们将其运行在从Macromedia网站下载的几个.swf Flash文件上。 下面是其中一个文件的屏幕截图-您可以查看可通过浏览器查看的链接和文本。

Now, when you run the swf2html application from a DOS prompt and type in the command to convert the .swf file to HTML, you get the following, which shows that there are other .swf files embedded within the first .swf file, along with text links and regular text. Since many .swf files are embedded in each other, we’re assuming FAST would just keep converting all of them until it finished and had completely indexed the site.

现在,当您从DOS提示符下运行swf2html应用程序并键入命令以将.swf文件转换为HTML时,您将获得以下内容,这表明第一个.swf文件中还嵌入了其他.swf文件,以及文字链接和常规文字。 由于许多.swf文件相互嵌入,因此我们假设FAST会一直转换所有文件,直到完成并完全索引了站点。

We wondered how Fast pulled the TITLE and description for the search engine listings for Flash pages. We assumed these elements would come from the original HTML document’s <TITLE> and meta description tags, simply converting any Flash on the page to HTML, with this data added to the index in addition to the HTML page content.

我们想知道Fast如何拉动Flash页面的搜索引擎列表的TITLE和说明。 我们假设这些元素将来自原始HTML文档的<TITLE>和元描述标签,只需将页面上的任何Flash转换为HTML,并将此数据添加到HTML页面内容之外的索引中。

But what if the Flash site wasn’t embedded in an HTML document, and was just a .swf file? Where would Fast get its listing title and description?

但是,如果Flash网站没有嵌入HTML文档中,而只是一个.swf文件怎么办? Fast将在哪里获得其上市标题和描述?

We got answers from FAST engineer Rolf Michelsen, who confirmed our inital assumptions were correct. "When the Flash file is embedded as part of a HTML document, we use the document title and various heuristics to extract title and teaser for our search results. The heuristics for extracting a teaser may use the meta description tag if present," said Michelsen.

我们从FAST工程师Rolf Michelsen那里得到了答案,他证实了我们最初的假设是正确的。 “当将Flash文件嵌入为HTML文档的一部分时,我们会使用文档标题和各种启发式方法来为搜索结果提取标题和预告片。提取预告片的试探法可能会使用meta description标记(如果存在),” 。

"When indexing a stand-alone Flash file, we extract title and teaser directly from the Flash file — basically trying to compose a teaser from the first few sentences of text extracted from the Flash file," concluded Michelsen.

“为独立的Flash文件建立索引时,我们直接从Flash文件中提取标题和预告片-基本上是试图从从Flash文件中提取的文本的前几句话组成预告片,” Michelsen总结道。

So there you have it — from the horse’s mouth. This makes the critical point that designers should always embed their .swf Flash files in an HTML document and add a <TITLE>, meta description, and meta keywords tags to ensure their Flash based pages will be indexed in the search engines with a title and description of which they approve. Otherwise, the listing may show "No Title," and the description will be the first text indexed in the file, which may not be advantageous.

因此,您可以从马的嘴里得到它。 这使得设计人员应始终将他们的.swf Flash文件嵌入HTML文档中并添加<TITLE> ,meta描述和meta关键字标签,以确保基于Flash的页面将在标题中带有标题和他们批准的说明。 否则,列表可能会显示“无标题”,并且描述将是文件中索引的第一个文本,这可能不是有利的。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/instant-visibility-fast/

