
tech2024-05-14  117


As I noted in an earlier post, Linux should no longer be considered immune to vulnerabilities or to attacks. In fact, Linux is one of the most attacked systems on the global infrastructure.

正如我在较早的文章中指出的那样,不应再将Linux视为不受漏洞攻击的免疫力。 实际上,Linux是全球基础架构上受攻击最多的系统之一。

While Linux and a majority of open source solutions are (or can be) more secure than other operating systems, your guard should never be let down. Anti-virus systems should be run on workstations and servers just as we all run them on our Macintosh and Windows platforms. File integrity, intrusion detection and spam tools should also be considered for Internet-based servers in addition to patching for vulnerabilities.

尽管Linux和大多数开放源代码解决方案比(或可以)比其他操作系统更安全,但您绝对不应放松警惕。 防病毒系统应在工作站和服务器上运行,就像我们都在Macintosh和Windows平台上运行它们一样。 除了修补漏洞外,还应考虑对基于Internet的服务器使用文件完整性,入侵检测和垃圾邮件工具。

On the topic of file integrity, a great open-source port of Tripwire is available at http://www.tripwire.org, which offers alert-based monitoring of your server’s filesystem and configuration files.


Additionally, staying current on advisories, security reports and new tools and vulnerabilties should be on our daily reading task list.


Some excellent resources for these duties include:


CERT –>Advisories, Fixes and Vulnerabilities

CERT –> 咨询,修复和漏洞

LinuxSecurity.com –> Linux Security Community

LinuxSecurity.com –> Linux安全社区

SecurityFocus –> Unix Review

SecurityFocus –> Unix评论

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/eye-on-security/

