
tech2024-05-14  116


…posted by davidjmedlock:

…由 davidjmedlock 发布 :

This is pretty cool. SourceForge is a huge (the largest, I’m sure) open source software web site. There are thousands of projects hosted there at SF and a surprising number are ColdFusion Projects. I expected to find only a couple of projects, maybe 10 or so, but when I do a simple search under Software/People, I come up with about 3 pages worth of projects, from business application toolkits (calendar, address book, contacts, etc.) to content management systems to IP country look ups.

这很酷。 SourceForge是一个巨大的(我相信是最大的)开源软件网站。 SF那里托管了数千个项目,而ColdFusion Projects数量惊人。 我原本只希望找到几个项目,大概是10个左右,但是当我在“软件/人员”下进行简单搜索时,我从业务应用程序工具包(日历,通讯录,联系人,等)到IP国家查询内容管理系统。

So, my resolve is to get involved to some extent with the open source community. I’m in the process of getting a couple of commercial products out, but I feel like I should contribute to the open source community as well. Shouldn’t you? Get started at SourceForge!

因此,我的决心是在某种程度上参与开源社区。 我正在开发一些商业产品,但是我觉得我也应该为开源社区做出贡献。 不是吗 从SourceForge开始!


