fireworks 投影

tech2024-05-14  98

fireworks 投影

One of the many very cool features of Macromedia Fireworks MX is that it gives you the ability to place an image inside a shape, like this:

Macromedia Fireworks MX的许多非常酷的功能之一是,它使您能够将图像放置在形状内,如下所示:

You’ve probably seen these images around the Web — the effect is called “paste inside.”


Paste inside is a very neat little effect that you can use to spice your images up a bit, and give them a more professional appearance. You can paste any image you want into any shape you can create in Fireworks MX: ellipses, circles, rectangles, rounded rectangles — anything!

粘贴在里面是一种非常整洁的小效果,可用于为图像增添些许色彩,并使它们看起来更专业。 您可以将所需的任何图像粘贴到可以在Fireworks MX中创建的任何形状中:椭圆,圆,矩形,圆角矩形-任何东西!

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create images similar to the one below. Notice how the image appears to be inside of the shape. Let’s learn how to create this very neat effect.

在本教程中,我将向您展示如何创建与以下图像相似的图像。 请注意图像看起来如何在形状内部。 让我们学习如何创建这种非常整洁的效果。

First, you’ll need an image. Below you’ll find the image I originally started with. You can download this image and use it for this tutorial if you wish, or you can use your own if you have an image you like handy.

首先,您需要一张图片。 在下面,您将找到我最初使用的图像。 您可以根据需要下载该图像并将其用于本教程,如果您有喜欢的图像,也可以使用自己的图像。

Step 1


Launch Macromedia Fireworks MX, and create a new file by selecting FILE >> NEW.

启动Macromedia Fireworks MX,然后通过选择文件>>新建来创建一个新文件。

Make the new Fireworks file 200×200 pixels with a white background.


Step 2


Now we will need to import the image we’ve decided to use into the new Fireworks file. Choose FILE >> IMPORT, and locate the image you want to use. Import it into the new Fireworks file (see below).

现在,我们需要将已决定使用的图像导入到新的Fireworks文件中。 选择文件>>导入,然后找到要使用的图像。 将其导入新的Fireworks文件(请参见下文)。

Once you’ve clicked the Import button, move your mouse over the blank fireworks file you created in step 2, and left click. The image you’re trying to import will appear in the blank fireworks file – it’ll look like this:

单击“导入”按钮后,将鼠标移到在步骤2中创建的空白烟花文件上,然后单击鼠标左键。 您要导入的图像将显示在空白的烟花文件中–看起来像这样:

Step 3


Now that we’ve imported our image into our fireworks file, we’ll need to create a shape to place our image into. I’m going to use an ellipse. Go to the fireworks tool bar, left click and hold the shapes button. A box will appear. Left click the ellipse button, and release, as shown here:

现在,我们已经将图像导入到了烟花文件中,我们需要创建一个形状来放置图像。 我要用椭圆形。 转到烟花工具栏,单击鼠标左键并按住“形状”按钮。 将出现一个框。 左键单击椭圆按钮,然后松开,如下所示:

Draw an ellipse over the image you imported in step 3, making the shape slightly smaller in width and height than the image. Your work thus far should look similar to this:

在步骤3中导入的图像上绘制一个椭圆,使形状的宽度和高度比图像稍小。 到目前为止,您的工作应类似于以下内容:

Step 4


We need to move the ellipse behind the image so that we can continue. Select MODIFY >> ARRANGE >> SEND TO BACK. The ellipse should now be behind the image, as shown below.

我们需要将椭圆移动到图像后面,以便我们可以继续。 选择修改>>排列>>发送回。 椭圆现在应该在图像后面,如下所示。

Step 5


Left click on the image to select it, then choose EDIT >> CUT as shown here:

左键单击图像以将其选中,然后选择EDIT >> CUT,如下所示:

Left click on the ellipse to select it, then go to EDIT >> PASTE INSIDE.


Step 6


You should now have your image pasted inside of your ellipse. Pretty cool isn’t it?

现在,您应该将图像粘贴到椭圆内部。 是不是很酷?

Step 7


Now let’s incorporate a few effects to the image to add some finishing touches. First we’ll add a drop shadow. Left click on the image to select it, then select EFFECTS >> SHADOW AND GLOW >> DROP SHADOW.

现在,让我们为图像添加一些效果,以添加一些画龙点睛的效果。 首先,我们将添加一个阴影。 左键单击图像以将其选中,然后选择效果>>阴影和发光>>拖放阴影。

I set the distance of the drop shadow to 7 and used black for the color, like this:


Step 8


Next let’s add a glow to the image. Left click on the image to select it, then go to EFFECTS >> SHADOW AND GLOW >> INNER GLOW.

接下来,让我们向图像添加光晕。 左键单击图像以将其选中,然后转到效果>>阴影和发光>>内部发光。

I’ve set the halo offset to 4 and the color to #66CCCC.


Step 9 We need to do one last thing before the image is complete. We’ll need to trim the canvas and get rid of all that extra white space. Select MODIFY >> CANVAS >> TRIM CANVAS.

步骤9我们需要在图像完成之前做最后一件事。 我们需要修剪画布并摆脱所有多余的空白。 选择修改>>画布>>修剪画布。

Your image should now look like the one shown below.


You can use the method detailed in this tutorial to place any image inside any shape you can create in Macromedia Fireworks MX. Good luck with your future creations!

您可以使用本教程中详细介绍的方法将任何图像放置在可以在Macromedia Fireworks MX中创建的任何形状内。 祝您未来的创作好运!


fireworks 投影

相关资源:Macromedia Fireworks MX for Linux