
tech2024-05-14  113


As i’ve always followed closely the work of Jared over at levitated.net , I was pleased that he was releasing some of his computer generated art as a series of limited edition prints. Printed on fine quality acid-free watercolor paper and with good quality ink, I ordered a 19″x13″ copy of the Tree Garden I print and received it yesterday. It’s a wonderful piece of work and goes to show that Flash / Processing generated art can be considered alongside conventional art mediums for pleasing aesthetics and compositional quality.

因为我一直在levitated.net上密切关注Jared的工作,所以我很高兴他以一系列限量版作品的形式发布了他的计算机生成的艺术品。 我用优质的无酸水彩纸和优质墨水印刷而成,我订购了一份19“ x13”的《 树园 》副本,并于昨天收到。 这是一件很棒的工作,它表明可以将Flash / Processing生成的艺术与传统艺术媒介一起考虑,以取悦美学和构图质量。

There are 10 limited edition prints (final run of 42 each) that are available and they are well worth a look even if just to see more of Jared’s work in a differnet environment.


Also, if you’ve never stumbled across Jared’s caustic painting images using laser light photography, then click here ; the imagery created by this technique is truly stunning.

另外,如果您从未使用激光摄影偶然发现过Jared的苛刻绘画图像, 请单击此处 ; 通过这种技术创建的图像确实令人惊叹。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/beautiful-iterative-art/

