最受欢迎 开源

tech2024-05-15  101

最受欢迎 开源

I was inspired by Rui at the Tao of Mac and his open source watch list to think about some of the open source utilities I cannot live without.

Mac Tao的 Rui和他的开放源代码监视列表启发了我,让我思考一些我不能没有的开放源代码实用程序。

Some are considered old school, some are new and some are just amazing productivity pieces.


For starters, I discovered that we shared one app in common, Newspipe. It is a python-based newsreader that processes RSS subscriptions and sends the headlines, story summary and links to an email address of your choice. I run mine in cron in the background on my OS X workstation and simply review the latest stories along with my regular email. No GUI RSS reader needed. It has very flexible configuration options and is well worth a look if you rely on RSS feeds and don’t need yet another app open. It works on Linux, Mac and Windows with Python 2.3.

首先,我发现我们共享一个共同的应用程序Newspipe 。 它是基于Python的新闻阅读器,可处理RSS订阅并发送标题,故事摘要和链接到您选择的电子邮件地址。 我在OS X工作站的后台以我的计划运行我的Cron,只需回顾一下最新的故事以及我的常规电子邮件即可。 无需GUI RSS阅读器。 它具有非常灵活的配置选项,如果您依赖RSS feed并且不需要打开另一个应用程序,那么它非常值得一看。 它可在具有Python 2.3的Linux,Mac和Windows上运行。

Webmin is by far my favorite systems management app. Though I spend a great deal of time on servers using the command line – there are several repetitive tasks which are just plain quicker using Webmin. Plus, for multi-server environments, I cana chain webmin installs together and broadcast configuration changes, updates, etc. (inside the firewall!).

到目前为止, Webmin是我最喜欢的系统管理应用程序。 尽管我使用命令行在服务器上花费了大量时间,但仍有一些重复性任务,使用Webmin可以更快地完成。 另外,对于多服务器环境,我可以将webmin一起安装并广播配置更改,更新等(在防火墙内!)。

Unlike a majority of control panels, this tool is targeting system administrators due to its root level access to the filesystem and underlying sensitive configuration files. I wrote a piece on Webmin in 2004 that goes in depth.

与大多数控制面板不同,该工具由于对文件系统和基础敏感配置文件的根级别访问权限而针对系统管理员。 我在2004年写了一篇关于Webmin的文章 ,内容很深入。

By default Vi is on this list due to the ease of use (after one gets used to tooling around in a terminal editor!) and quickness when making edits on files and touching configuration files. Though I know there are Emacs fans out there but I could not live without Vi.

默认情况下, Vi出于易用性(习惯了在终端编辑器中进行操作!)以及对文件进行编辑和触摸配置文件时的快速性而位于此列表中。 尽管我知道那里有Emacs粉丝,但是没有Vi我无法生存。

Tripwire wins as a premium security asset on servers – and remains free for Linux administrators. In a nutshell Tripwire takes a snapshot of your filesystem including files and directories you specify during setup. It then guards these files by requiring an email to the administrator and a follow-up approval via command line by that admin for the change(s) to take effect. If you are working on a machine making substantial changes – the safety-net system can be overridden via an extra authentication (helpful unless you like reading lots of email).

Tripwire赢得了服务器上的高级安全性资产,并且对Linux管理员仍然免费。 简而言之,Tripwire会为您的文件系统拍摄快照,包括您在安装过程中指定的文件和目录。 然后,它通过要求向管理员发送电子邮件以及该管理员通过命令行进行后续批准以使更改生效来保护这些文件。 如果您在进行重大更改的机器上工作,则可以通过额外的身份验证来覆盖安全网络系统(除非您喜欢阅读大量电子邮件,否则很有帮助)。

Specific to the Mac OS X I hand out kudos to the developers of Adium, a multi-protocol instant messaging solution that allows me to be online via AOL, MSN and Yahoo screen names (it supports others as well). Though I primarily use an AOL IM account, some of my customers are on other networks – and those folks can now also ping me via IM as well as email and phone.

特定于Mac OS XI的产品向Adium的开发人员致以敬意 , Adium是一种多协议即时消息传递解决方案,使我可以通过AOL,MSN和Yahoo屏幕名称在线(它也支持其他名称)。 尽管我主要使用AOL IM帐户,但我的一些客户在其他网络上-这些人现在也可以通过IM以及电子邮件和电话来ping我。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/some-favorite-open-source-utilities/

最受欢迎 开源
