
tech2024-05-15  95


There are some things in life that will always serve you well, many pairs of socks and a good solid backup procedure for your data.


Ask yourself the question how many times have you been hit by a hard drive failure or data corruption and not had a backup? What most people say is that they have had catastrophic data loss with no backup of their data usually only once. This normally occurs when you have no decent backup plan in operation.

问自己一个问题,您有多少次遇到硬盘故障或数据损坏而没有备份? 大多数人说的是,他们遭受了灾难性的数据丢失,通常仅备份一次数据。 当您没有可操作的备份计划时,通常会发生这种情况。

I mention this as I had a drive failure over the weekend on a portable disk that I shuttle between work and home; lots of important data, and all of it was important data that I couldn’t do without. What was my reaction? Pretty simple really, I restored by data from the backup I had made the night before.

我之所以这样说是因为我上周末在便携式磁盘上发生了驱动器故障,该磁盘在工作和家庭之间穿梭。 许多重要数据,而所有这些都是我无法缺少的重要数据。 我的React是什么? 确实很简单,我从前一天晚上进行的备份中恢复了数据。

Now this sounds really simple, and the only reason that it was so simple was because I have a pretty solid backup plan that I adhere to strictly. Getting into the routine of backing up your data, is something that you should make a habit of, and there’s plenty of hardware and software around that can help you carry out the task.

现在,这听起来真的很简单,而且之所以如此简单,唯一的原因是因为我有一个严格遵守的可靠备份计划。 进入备份数据的例程是您应该习惯的事情,并且周围有许多硬件和软件可以帮助您执行任务。

Personally I use Dantz Retrospect Professional (link below) coupled with two Maxtor External 250GB Firewire drives for onsite and offsite backups.

我个人使用Dantz Retrospect Professional(下面的链接)以及两个Maxtor外置250GB Firewire驱动器进行现场和异地备份。

Dantz Retrospect Professional

Dantz Retrospect专业人士



Maxtor External Firewire Drives




The beauty of the Maxtor External drive is that it has a ‘one-touch’ button on the front of the drive which ties into the bundled Dantz Restrospect Express software, allowing instantaneous backups across your system. I ended up upgrading to the Professional version of the software as I needed to backup from multiple network drives, but the package as it comes gives great piece of mind for all your essential data.

Maxtor外置驱动器的优点在于,它在驱动器的正面具有一个“一键式”按钮,该按钮与捆绑的Dantz Restrospect Express软件捆绑在一起,可以在整个系统上进行即时备份。 当我需要从多个网络驱动器备份时,我最终升级到该软件的专业版,但是它附带的软件包为您所有重要数据提供了很大的帮助。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/socks-and-backups-two-things-you-can-never-have-too-many-of/

