评论-Sqwark! 这本书

tech2024-05-15  93

Once upon a time, domain names were considered a hot item. These were the days when domain name sales were constant, well publicized, and even made headlines (the sale of business.com, for instance). During this peak time for domain names, a domain auction site called Afternic.com, or AN for short, was launched. AN became one of the leading domain name auction sites, and was eventually bought out by Register.com.

从前,域名被视为热门话题。 过去几天,域名销售一直保持稳定,得到了很好的宣传,甚至成为头条新闻(例如,business.com的销售)。 在域名高峰期间,一个域名拍卖网站Afternic.com(简称AN)启动了。 AN成为领先的域名拍卖网站之一,并最终被Register.com收购。

The concept of the site was simple: individuals would register, pay a small fee and list their domain names for auction. Yet AN/Register.com was constantly criticized for unethical business practices, and for not being actively responsible for activities of buyers and sellers who participated in the community. The site closed its doors on December 27, 2002 and the Afternic.com domain was sold to ProProject, Inc. who completely repurposed the domain — if you visit http://www.afternic.com now, you’ll find a completely different site from that which was once known as Afternic.com.

该网站的概念很简单:个人将注册,支付少量费用并列出其域名进行拍卖。 然而,AN / Register.com经常因不道德的商业行为而受到批评,并且没有对参与社区的买卖双方的活动积极负责。 该网站于2002年12月27日关闭,Afternic.com域名被出售给ProProject,Inc.,后者完全重新利用了该域名的用途-如果您现在访问http://www.afternic.com ,您会发现一个完全不同的域名曾经被称为Afternic.com的网站。

During the site’s existence, AN launched its own community forums. Because of the site’s popularity, the forums were quite active. However, they were an apparent failure because they lacked virtually any form of moderation. It is these posts that have been transcribed, seemingly word-for-word, into Sqwark! The Book.

在网站存在期间,AN发起了自己的社区论坛。 由于该网站的受欢迎程度,论坛非常活跃。 但是,它们显然是失败的,因为它们几乎没有任何形式的节制。 这些帖子似乎是逐字转录为Sqwark的! 这本书 。

内容和结构 (Contents And Structure)

Sqwark! The Book is a print version of hundreds of posts from the old AN Community Forums. This is all that’s included in the book. There’s no commentary, no real introduction — nothing else at all. Despite this lack of direction, Sqwark! The Book manages to fill out two volumes.

哇! 本书是旧版AN社区论坛上数百篇文章的印刷版。 这就是本书中包含的全部内容。 没有评论,没有真正的介绍-别无其他。 尽管缺乏指导,但Sqwark! 该书设法填写了两卷。

The posts published here are not organized into any specific categories. It appears that the posts are ordered by date, but not by thread. As a result, frequently, the reader doesn’t know which replies are linked, or where any given reply fits in. I found this to be annoying as I spent a good deal of time trying to piece posts together.

此处发布的帖子未按任何特定类别进行组织。 看来帖子是按日期排序的,而不是按主题排序的。 结果,读者经常不知道链接了哪些答复,或者不知道给定答复的位置。我发现这很烦人,因为我花了大量时间试图将帖子拼凑在一起。

那是关于什么的? (What’s It About?)

The focus of Sqwark! The Book is the belligerent rantings of a few crazies, the foremost being a member who goes by the name of Radios. Radios posts domain idea after domain idea in the AN forums. These ideas were most often off the wall, poorly planned or unachievable. He is, more or less, a spammer. But, thanks to the complete lack of moderation in the AN forums, he was never reprimanded or punished for his behavior.

Sqwark的焦点! 该书是一些疯狂的好战声音,其中最重要的是以广播电台为名的成员。 广播电台在AN论坛中发布领域想法之后。 这些想法通常是不可行的,计划不周或无法实现。 他或多或少是垃圾邮件发送者。 但是,由于在AN论坛中完全缺乏节制,他从未因其行为受到谴责或惩罚。

Then, of course, there are other characters. These are the members who actually replied to Radios’s posts, usually to say something nasty, thereby encouraging him to post more. Bickering ensues. There is profanity, poor conduct, and inappropriate content everywhere. Various members “quit” numerous times, only to return later. Some people try to pose as other members, or another member’s family. However, as there’s no moderation, this behavior goes on unchecked.

然后,当然还有其他字符。 这些成员实际上回复了Radios的帖子,通常说些讨厌的话,从而鼓励他发布更多帖子。 争吵随之而来。 到处都有亵渎,不良行为和不适当的内容。 各种成员多次“退出”,直到稍后返回。 有些人试图冒充其他成员或另一个成员的家庭。 但是,由于没有节制,因此此行为不受限制。

This all-in online brawling may sound interesting, but to be honest, it’s not. It gets old — fast. I giggled a few times, but only a few. One of the only things I found to be truly funny was the way AN completely ignored the complaints of their users, posting “News Stories” directly after complaint posts. The AN forums redefined the concept of terrible customer service.

这种全方位的在线争吵听起来可能很有趣,但是老实说,事实并非如此。 它变老了-快速。 我笑了几次,但只有几次。 我发现唯一真正有趣的事情是,AN完全忽略了用户的投诉,在投诉发布后直接发布了“新闻报道”。 AN论坛重新定义了糟糕的客户服务概念。

There are a few gems of domain name and Website advice to be found in these pages, if you search very hard. But many of them are outdated, and is it really worth reading through the book for the others? The advice just isn’t that valuable — all of it can be found more easily online.

如果您非常努力地搜索,则在这些页面上可以找到一些域名和网站建议。 但是其中许多已经过时了,真的值得为其他人通读本书吗? 这些建议并不是那么有价值,所有建议都可以在网上轻松找到。

一个警告 (A Warning)

I would like to include here a clear warning to all potential readers: this book contains profanity. It contains sexual innuendo. It contains material that’s inappropriate for children. Men and women verbally assault each other. In fact, it happens a lot in this book — at times, you have a literal Jerry Springer show on your hands.

我想在此向所有潜在读者明确警告:这本书包含亵渎行为。 它包含性暗示。 它包含不适合儿童使用的材料。 男人和女人在口头上互相攻击。 实际上,这在本书中经常发生-有时,您手上确实有Jerry Springer的表演。

最后的话 (The Final Word)

This book is billed as part humor, part useful information. I can’t understand why. It isn’t that funny and the information contained within isn’t valuable. To top it off, Sqwark! The Book costs $49.95. I know it comes in two volumes, but it is still definitely overpriced, and not really worth your money or your time.

这本书被认为是幽默的一部分,是有用的信息。 我不明白为什么。 它不是那么有趣,其中包含的信息也没有价值。 最重要的是,Sqwark! 该书售价49.95美元。 我知道它分两卷,但肯定还是高估了,并不真正值得您花时间或金钱。

Rating: 1.5/5 Title: Sqwark! The Book Author: Sqwark.com Publisher: Trafford Book Website: Sqwark.com

评分: 1.5 / 5 标题: Sqwark! The Book 作者: Sqwark.com 发行者: Trafford Book网站: Sqwark.com

Buy it at Amazon.com for $49.95.

在Amazon.com上以49.95美元的价格购买 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/review-sqwark-book/
