
tech2024-05-16  101


I recently spent some time speaking with a popular Yankee Group analyst who covers the enterprise sector in the US, focusing in on open source and where the movement may go in the next few years.


Just to be clear, I differentiate, as most industry watchers do, between Linux and open source. While Linux is open source, the primary Linux distributors have caught on to how they need to position themselves for success and are starting to run their businesses just as any proprietary software company does.

需要明确的是,就像大多数行业观察者一样,我在Linux和开放源代码之间进行区分。 尽管Linux是开源的,但主要的Linux发行商已经掌握了如何为成功定位自己的位置,并开始像任何专有软件公司一样经营自己的业务。

Red Hat and SUSE make prime examples, realizing the path to long term success and revenue streams resided in proving themselves enterprise worthy to larger businesses and institutions, have shifted business models or been acquired by organizations with roots in the enterprise.


Her views, while not always popular in the open source community. are right on point if open source seeks widespread adoption and a permanent seat at the table for longer term financial success.

她的观点虽然并不总是在开源社区中流行。 如果开放源代码寻求广泛采用并在长期财务成功中占据永久席位,那么这是正确的选择。

There are a few obstacles open source proponents need to accept and move forward on:


1) It will be more costly for a company to migrate away from Windows to Linux, even in light of slightly reduced ongoing maintenance and improved security and uptime.


While I have not always agreed that the costs are higher, having migrated corporate systems to Linux in the past, their research showed it to be true in many cases — especially when migrating beyond standard web hosting and email systems. The costs are higher when factoring in re-certifying drivers, application integrity and training.

虽然我并不总是同意成本会更高,但过去曾将公司系统迁移到Linux,但他们的研究表明,在许多情况下都是如此,尤其是当迁移到标准Web托管和电子邮件系统之外时。 当考虑重新认证驱动程序,应用程序完整性和培训时,成本会更高。

2) To truly become entrenched as a viable financially-rewarding option (meaning open source companies make money and create jobs), a shift toward commercial software models is necessary. This does not mean forgoing open source, however, what it does mean is developing a structure for development, distribution, patching and support that passes muster with corporate IT managers who could be investing substantial amounts of money in open source.

2)要真正成为一种可行的财务奖励方案(意味着开源公司赚钱并创造就业机会),必须转向商业软件模型。 这并不意味着放弃开源,但是,它的意思是建立一种开发,分发,补丁和支持的结构,这种结构会吸引可能在开源上投入大量资金的公司IT经理。

What it boils down to is that while open source has definitely revolutionized software, and it is found internationally in companies large and small, businesses still pick software because it provides a solution not just because it is open source.


The fact that it is cheaper or free simply means the user will save money, but this does not win the favor of those buyers who could be injecting millions into open source projects rather than proprietary software makers.


I would use Firebird as a model. In an interview with Helen Borrie, forthcoming in my July column on SitePoint, she noted that since many Fortune 500 companies are using an open source database like Firebird speaks volumes to the maturing of their project and open source at large.

我将使用Firebird作为模型。 在我7月关于SitePoint的专栏文章中即将接受Helen Borrie的采访时,她指出,由于许多《财富》 500强公司都在使用开源数据库,例如Firebird可以说明其项目和整个开源项目的成熟度。

The reason as I see it, is due to the treatment of Firebird like an enterprise scale proprietary software project. They have a well managed developer community and active support lists, commercial offerings for support through partnerships with several companies, and commercial development projects for corporate clients.

我所看到的原因是由于将Firebird视为企业规模的专有软件项目。 他们拥有管理完善的开发者社区和活跃的支持列表,通过与多家公司的合作关系提供商业支持服务,以及为企业客户提供商业开发项目。

If more open source projects looked at Borrie’s team model and discipline in development and support, we just might see more penetration that attracts longer and more profitable contracts and work for those like us in the SitePoint community.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/open-source-and-commercialization/

