
tech2024-05-16  97


Owen Winkler has a nice matrix of weblog platforms with requirements, capabilities, cost and more at his own WordPress-driven blog — asymptomatic.

Owen Winkler在他自己的WordPress驱动的博客( 无症状)中拥有不错的Weblog平台矩阵,其中包含要求,功能,成本等。

This can be a tricky area to track as there are many views on “blogging” and what other apps can be included in this sphere. I tend to agree with Winkler on a few of his points and not on others.

这可能是一个棘手的领域,因为有很多关于“博客”的观点以及该领域可以包含哪些其他应用的观点。 我倾向于同意温克勒的一些观点,而不是其他观点 。

Instead of starting a battle of semantics over blogging and open source in this post – I will just say that from a pure blogging perspective, he tracked the right software in his breakdown (server installed packages only, not a broad web site CMS (i.e. drupal, mambo and so on) but for personal CMS).

我不会在这篇文章中就博客和开放源代码展开一场语义之战,我只是说,从纯粹的博客角度来看,他在故障中跟踪了正确的软件(仅服务器安装的软件包,而不是广泛的CMS网站(例如drupal) ,mambo等),但适用于个人CMS)。

He did not include community-oriented CMS packages like Post-Nuke for the same reasons – those are more site-wide content programs that also drive file management and non-personal weblog functions.


I would encourage folks to review the matrix and submit updates.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/blog-software-breakdown/

