
tech2024-05-16  95


It looks cool… and it’s easy! Here’s what you need to create your own random text effect.

看起来很酷……而且很简单! 这是创建自己的随机文本效果所需要的。

1. Create a text field and name it. I gave mine a variable name of "shuffle".

1.创建一个文本字段并命名。 我给了我一个可变的名字“洗牌”。

2. Convert the textfield to a movie clip, and name it "Random".

2.将文本字段转换为影片剪辑,并将其命名为“ Random”。

3. Right click the movie clip and access its actions. Insert the following action:

3.右键单击影片剪辑并访问其动作。 插入以下操作:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if(!_root.flag) { shuffle = chr(random(26)+65); } }

4. Create 4 duplicates of the movie clip.


I want the RandomText movie clip to display Flash, then pause for a moment, then continue. There are 5 letters in the word "flash", so I’ll use 5 movieclips.

我希望RandomText影片剪辑显示Flash,然后暂停片刻,然后继续。 “ flash”一词中有5个字母,因此我将使用5个动画片段。

5. Select the first movieclip and give it an instance name of "t1"; name the second one t2, and so on for the other movieclips.

5.选择第一个动画片段,并为其指定实例名称“ t1”; 为第二个t2命名,以此类推,对其他影片剪辑命名,依此类推。

6. Name the current layer "text", extend it three keyframes, then lock the layer.


7. Create a new layer above the text layer, and name it "actions". Create three blank keyframes in this layer. In the first keyframe, insert this action:

7.在文本层上方创建一个新层,并将其命名为“ actions”。 在此层中创建三个空白关键帧。 在第一个关键帧中,插入以下操作:

i = 0 flag = 0 lapse = 20; display = 10;

8. In the second keyframe, insert this code:


i = i + 1 if(i > display) { flag = 1; _root.t1.shuffle = "F"; _root.t2.shuffle = "L"; _root.t3.shuffle = "A"; _root.t4.shuffle = "S"; _root.t5.shuffle = "H"; } if(i > lapse) { flag = 0; i = 0; }

9. In the third keyframe, insert this action:


gotoAndPlay (2);

10. That’s it! Run the movie, and you’ll see the effect above.

10.就是这样! 运行电影,您将看到上面的效果。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/effect-default-text-display/

