
tech2024-05-17  114

Nice review on VMWare version 4.5.2 which introduced 64-bit support on AMD and Intel 64-bit processors. This covers Windows 2003 Server, Red Hat Enterprise and SUSE Linux Enterprise 64-bit releases.

对VMWare 4.5.2版进行了很好的回顾,该版本引入了对AMD和Intel 64位处理器的64位支持。 它涵盖Windows 2003 Server,Red Hat Enterprise和SUSE Linux Enterprise 64位版本。

Read it at the Jem Report.

在Jem Report上阅读它。

I have tooled with VMWare for several years now and have always found it valuable whether running it on Windows for running Linux flavors in virtual machines or vice versa on Linux running Windows.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/vmware-workstation-452/
