
tech2024-05-17  111


…posted by davidjmedlock:

…由 davidjmedlock 发布 :

Okay, you saw my blog about Ben Forta’s CFUG tour this summer. So far the only two cities I’ve seen confirmed have been Phoenix, AZ and Jacksonville, FL. The list is incomplete as of now, though, so those of you in other cities can keep your fingers crossed.

好的,您看到了我关于今年夏天本·福特(Ben Forta)的CFUG巡演的博客。 到目前为止,我所看到的仅有的两个城市是亚利桑那州的凤凰城和佛罗里达州的杰克逊维尔。 不过,到目前为止,清单还不完整,因此其他城市的人可以放心使用。

As a part of the tour, Ben will be discussing ColdFusion “BlackStone” – the next version of ColdFusion MX (v. 7). Now, we all know that programmers are more curious than cats. (Though seldom do I hear the phrase “curiosity killed the coder”.) So, I started digging and didn’t have to go too incredibly far to get some juicy tidbits on CFMX 7. Anything in this blog, though, is unconfirmed, so don’t hold me to it:

作为巡回演出的一部分,本将讨论ColdFusion“ BlackStone” – ColdFusion MX(v。7)的下一个版本。 现在,我们都知道程序员比猫还好奇。 (尽管我很少听到“好奇心杀死了编码员”的字眼。)因此,我开始深入研究,不必太过费力就可以在CFMX 7上获得一些多汁的花絮。不过,此博客中的任何内容都未经证实,所以不要抱着我:

– Flash forms will be available using CFFORM (very cool)


– A CFGROUP tag that allows you to group forms into tabs, accordion interfaces, etc. (also very cool)

– CFGROUP标记,可用于将表单分组为选项卡,手风琴界面等(也很酷)

– A CFDOCUMENT tag that allows CF to create PDF’s and will possibly support other formats later on

– CFDOCUMENT标签,允许CF创建PDF,并可能在以后支持其他格式

Of course, it’d be absolutely awesome if they’d include some image manipulation in there, since that may be one of the single most requested functionalities for CF. It also makes sense, as the other major scripting/web languages have image manipulation features built in. I better not get my hopes up.

当然,如果它们在其中包含一些图像处理,那绝对是很棒的,因为那可能是CF最需要的功能之一。 这也很有意义,因为其他主要的脚本/网络语言都内置了图像处理功能。我最好不要抱有希望。

This is where I found the information: It seems like there are quite a few blogs out there offering the same juicy morsels of information. I’ll try and stay on top of things as they develop and of course, when CFMX7 is out, I’ll be sure to write up a couple of thorough articles on the new features.

我在这里找到信息: http : //似乎有很多博客提供了同样多汁的信息。 我会尽力掌握最新发展,当然,当CFMX7推出时,我一定会写一些关于新功能的详尽文章。


