flash 渐变遮罩

tech2024-05-17  114

flash 渐变遮罩

With Flash Mx comes dynamic masking capability! Now you can mask objects using action script. In this small tutorial I’ll show you how to use the setMask method to mask an object.

带有Flash Mx的动态遮罩功能! 现在,您可以使用动作脚本屏蔽对象。 在这个小型教程中,我将向您展示如何使用setMask方法掩盖对象。

Download the sample files here.

在此处下载示例文件 。

方向 (Directions)

1. Create a new movie.


2. Import two images into Flash. I have used images of a rooster and a tiger.

2.将两个图像导入Flash。 我用过一只公鸡和一只老虎的图像。

3. Convert the images to movieclips.


4. Give both the movieclips instance names.


5. Now, create the masking object — in this case, I’ve used a small circular object.


6. Convert the circular object into a movie clip, and give it an instance name of "circle".

6.将圆形对象转换为影片剪辑,并为其指定实例名称“ circle”。

7. Create three buttons: one to mask the tiger image, another to mask the rooster image, and the third to remove masking.


8. Give the buttons instance names. Before I insert actionscript for the buttons, give them instance names: I gave mine the names of "left","right" and "remove".

8.给按钮实例名称。 在为按钮插入动作脚本之前,给它们指定实例名称:我给我命名了“左”,“右”和“删除”。

9. Enter the following code. Select the first frame of the current layer, press f9 to open the actions window, and enter the following actions:

9.输入以下代码。 选择当前层的第一帧,按f9键打开操作窗口,然后输入以下操作:

left.onPress = function() {  rooster.setMask(null);  tiger.setMask(circle); } right.onPress = function() {  tiger.setMask(null);  rooster.setMask(circle); } remove.onPress = function() {  rooster.setMask(null);  tiger.setMask(null); }

10. That’s it! Test the movie.

10.就是这样! 测试电影。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/dynamic-masking-flash-mx/

flash 渐变遮罩
