
tech2024-05-17  78

In some cases, your hosting provider may be charging you for bandwidth. In that event, you may want to be able to build your own daily, weekly and monthly reports on total throughput from your server(s).

在某些情况下,您的托管服务提供商可能会向您收取带宽费用。 在这种情况下,您可能希望能够针对服务器的总吞吐量构建自己的每日,每周和每月报告。

There are several methods for doing this, however, some open source apps happen to be ready-made for just this and can be housed directly on your web server if you prefer.


These apps can measure not only traffic on multiple ports (i.e not only port 80, but toal throughput could include port 21 – FTP, 22 – SSH, 23 – Telnet, 25/110 – SMTP and POP as well as any custom ports for web applications you manage) but can also provide monitoring of disk space, cpu and memory utilization and more for your own systems management. Finally, these applications enable you to perform the simple math to verify total bandwidth based on your ethernet card(s) traffic. NOTE: Neither of these applications has been certified as usable for billing purposes, however, I believe they can be used to analyze the bandwidth reports provided by your ISP for hosting billing.

这些应用程序不仅可以测量多个端口上的流量(即,不仅可以测量端口80,而且可以统计吞吐量)包括端口21 – FTP,22 – SSH,23 – Telnet,25/110 – SMTP和POP以及任何用于Web的自定义端口您管理的应用程序),但也可以提供磁盘空间,cpu和内存利用率的监视功能,以及用于您自己的系统管理的更多功能。 最后,这些应用程序使您能够执行简单的数学运算,以基于您的以太网卡流量来验证总带宽。 注意:这些应用程序均未经过认证可用于计费目的,但是,我相信它们可以用于分析由ISP提供的用于托管计费的带宽报告。

MRTG, which stands for Multi Router Traffic Grapher, and Cricket, easily manage the data acquisition and graphing necessary to give you easy-to-use visual reports on your system(s). MRTG is pre-installed some Linux distributions or can be downloaded from http://www.mrtg.org. Cricket can be found at http://cricket.sourceforge.net/.

MRTG代表多路由器流量绘图仪和板球,可轻松管理必要的数据采集和绘图,从而为您提供系统上易于使用的可视报告。 MRTG已预先安装了一些Linux发行版,或者可以从http://www.mrtg.org下载。 板球可以在http://cricket.sourceforge.net/找到。

MRTG, for example on Red Hat distributions, is found installed and accessible from /var/www/html/mrtg with its configuration files found at /etc/mrtg. MRTG has a very well supported community with extensive sites to review for tips, tricks and techniques, found here at http://people.ee.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/mrtg/links.html.

例如,在Red Hat发行版上,可以找到MRTG,并可以从/ var / www / html / mrtg中访问MRTG,并可以在/ etc / mrtg中找到其配置文件。 MRTG的社区得到了很好的支持,其站点广泛,可以查看技巧,技巧和技术,网址为http://people.ee.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/mrtg/links.html 。

I have actively used Cricket for monitoring data center infrastructure including hubs, routers and switches as well as *Nix and Windows servers. There is an active community with many ready-made configuration files for your devices. See here for examples and templates –> http://cricket.sourceforge.net/contrib/.

我已经积极地使用Cricket来监视数据中心基础结构,包括集线器,路由器和交换机以及* Nix和Windows服务器。 有一个活跃的社区,为您的设备提供了许多现成的配置文件。 有关示例和模板,请参见此处–> http://cricket.sourceforge.net/contrib/ 。

If there is a strong interest in this, I would look forward to writing a feature article on using Cricket to monitor the health of your web servers and devices.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/paying-for-bandwidth/
